
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Italian Opera

D'Annuzio was involved in Italian Opera and supported facism before withdrawing from politics for a life of drugs and debauchery.   I have not discovered whether the second abysynthian war affected this, but I need to add some opera to the second edition of "The first battlefield of wwii".
Opera was a big part of Italy during this time period. 
Italian gave us "piano"-sing, I think it means; and primavera-spring as well as phrases like "oppresso d'amor di piacere, il popol de' vivi s'addorme and l'ebbrezze perdute (not to be confused with pan perdu from the French, always with the food).
Not all Italian opera speaks to me; perhaps not much.
Some does
La luttuosa tenebra
una storia di morte
racconta alle cardenie smorte?
forse perche una pioggia
di soave rugiade
entro socchiusi petali cade
su l'ascose miserie
E su l'ebbrezze perdute,
sui muti sogni e l'ansie mute
su le fugaci giole
che il disinganno infrange
la note le sue lacrime piange
That is by Negri.

I feel like I wrote this but I did not:
E mezzanotte,
e l'ora passa frattanto,
e sola qui sulle piume
ancora veglio ed attend in van
That's by Leopardi

And this, this is something only one other would understand in context
ba iami sempre come mi baciavi
la prima volta che ti strinsi al core!
Oh, Su le fugaci gioie
che il disinganno infrange

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