
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Where is "the holy g-space thing" in the e-hologram theory

As those of you who have followed through the entire discussion of the e-hologram universe, from the discussion of the string-hologram universe discussed through Steven Hawkins' book to the present know that it is intuitive that there is a singularity where everything happens at once (as predicted by Einstein) and that the addition of time gives rise to dimension and the appearance of linearity, the former being the source of "space-time" and the latter being the general relativity after a fashion.  The combination of string-hologram and space-time yields a model where there is no space time and that we therefore exist within the singularity  burdened with time which manifests itself in gravity which is the tendency of matter to give up time and return to the singularity state which it does at certain concentrations.  This, of course, implies that apparent time travel and apparent faster than light travel are intuitive, fairly simple to predict; but they are not discussed herein because of the contest which you have refer back to fully understand.
The issue of god in e-hologram theory, that is the composition of g-space (which is not space at all since time must be added to it to create the illusion of o-space (what we experience) is an important consideration.  We live in a very destructive environment and understanding how to manipulate g-space (faster than light travel and time travel) is critical to extend our occupation of the universe and we are designed to achieve that (not that you could tell from the participation in the contest, but I digress).
One thing which inherent in this discussion (and like all theories we must rely on what we know and can observe) is that time and tendencies must exist in g-space and there must be the ability to attach time to the tendencies which means that this must occur "naturally" in g-space or there must be some "thing" which you can call god or the force or just "the g-space thing" which combines these two.
What isn't intuitive is the ability of the g-space thing (or the holy g-space thing if you will) to observe, control or care about the effect of combining time and the singularity.  Likewise it is almost intuitive and at least suggested that since everything happens at once (again this is Einstein not necessarily are requirement of e-hologram theory which only requires that time burn the singularity and that the removal of time returns matter and energy to the singularity which is observed in our universe) that the holy g-space thing may have established the singularity (which is our universe without time) which suggests something exists outside of time and dimension (at least as we experience) and can combine these two things; not by bringing them together (which would require space and therefore time applied to a singularity) but by doing something that we do not fully understand but which we must understand in order to be one with g-space and presumably this will be an offshoot of the exploration of apparent faster than light travel.

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