
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

channeling dispair in the e-hologram universe

Deprived of finances
loss of my health
my lover has left me
even the future of the world
is certain to end in disaster
how is one to survive
we are beset by enemies
and abandoned by love
the e-hologram universe
is entirely consistent with god
is in fact dependent on That
or something like it
we are here to live to our potential
the hurdles are required
to challenge us
placed there by design
the more that is taken
the fewer the resources
the more we are able
to live up to gods demands
so kick us when we're down
take my love, my money
turn my body weak and sick
take away my very breath
it only forces me to be better
for it is the will of the design
of the e-hologram universe
that we be forever doomed
to channel our despair
into something great
and so my enemies
and so too you my love
I will despair your anger
and I will endeavor
until my last breath
because it is my part to play
channeling despair
as you must also
and we will all together
achieve something greater
despite it all
because the universe
requires we love deeply
and channel dispair

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