
Sunday, May 19, 2013

E-Hologram theory-the environment that gives rise to time and singularity

This entry is the second of 2 (well it actually ended up 2 plus a half) dealing superficially with time in the e-hologram universe.  From these three entries we will get to an examination of the different types of time, how time attaches to tendencies to give them dimension and gravity and what fluctuations of this process give rise to dark matter and dark energy.
Matter as static tendency; energy as non-static tendency:  Since matter and energy are the same and since they can be exchanged readily (at least at the nuclear level in bombs and suns) we can surmise that both result from the attachment of time to tendencies in the singularity.  Hence, at the singularity level they are almost identical.  We also know that as relative velocities (different times) approach the speed of light, matter appears to be energy.
This apparent disparity must be resolved in e-hologram theory.  Therefore, time must be static energy and energy must be time where the speed of the time has been accelerated by time along a dimensional path defined by time.
In order to understand this better, you might want to look at the discussion earlier of how time gives rise to dimension since this means there may be one time with "defective" tendencies that give rise to different dimensions at different orientations (axis) or there may be (at least) 3 times which together give dimension.  Both of these models have counterpart or support in o-space.  Relative velocity giving rise to the appearance of energy suggests different dimensions and dark matter/energy gives rise to the possibility that time can exist without all of the dimensions attached which make it impossible for us to "see" it even though the "tendency" to return to the singularity allows us to recognize the "gravity". The possibility of time without dimension means that time and dimension may be separated also.  This would mean that Einstein was mistaken to some extent in the original concepts that added to string-hologram theory give ruse to e-hologram theory but einstein did not, during his lifetime, get past the existence of time and dimension even though he envisioned "multiple" singularities.  That is, he failed to acknowledge in depth, the idea that space is an illusion (albeit a pretty impressive one) and that all the singularities were in fact a single singularity where time was being stripped (or if we end up there where dimension is being stripped and time may continue to attach).
The troubling concept of separating time from dimension is really only troubling because it refutes the E-hologram concept that the only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once (Einstein).  The elimination of this concept means that events happen sequentially in the singularity and that adding "dimension" which is something different from time gives rise to gravity.  This does nothing more than split what has previously been called "time" into two (or 4 if you would) different parts and it complicates the analysis because we have established that dimension (via velocity) is defined by time and hence there has to be an interaction between dimension and time to give rise to the uinverse.  This apparent problem, actually suggests a solution, however.  This allows us to view "tendencies" in e-hologram theory as "dimensions" which have fallen in together as a result of not having time.  The linear movement along time of these dimension-tendencies are matter, energy and o-space in general.
We will have to get to the intriguing concept that matter and energy are interchangeable at the singularity when we get to the discussion of apparent faster than light travel although we may touch on it as we have here in other discussions.
Since this is only superficial, before going over this in depth, let's look at dark matter mathematically.
If we assume that attaching o-time (the time we experience) to dimensions in the singularity gives rise to o-space and that we only experience fewer dimensions (time attached to zero, one and two dimension-tendencies) which allows that there may be other times with more dimensions that we are not affected by to prevent movement towards infinity, dark matter/energy would be 3 times non-dark matter/energy.  However if we are dealing with statistical probabilities, this number grows at least close to what we observe.  That is the tendency of something to move in no direction, one of two directions (one dimension), two of four directions (two dimensions) gives rise to 10 or 11 (no direction may be ignored) possibilities (tendencies) so that we end up with 10 times the factor in o-space.  Of course if we are affected by different tendencies in o-space we have three of six direction and we are only living in one of these 18 possibilities without adding other dimensions but there are reasons which will have to wait why we might experience the lesser dimensions and not the equal dimensions.  The main reason, is that as soon as we go a different velocity in any direction we are in a different time altogether.  That means that the awareness that gives rise to our time is not present.  This is something more than a butterfly's flapping its wings to give rise to a hurricane; it is two separate butterflies flapping in two separate directions occupying the same time and dimensions.  It cannot really happen in space as we experience it.
However, if we look at time as "building" o-space from its several dimension, we have: 1) the singularity with everything happening at once; 2) a on dimensional existence with an on/off type setting (although with time there is a velocity component which allows infinite possibilities along this on-off setting over time (on now or on in 5 minutes-only possible with time); then a second dimension is added with the different movements possible and finally the third axis of dimension is added.
For those who insist on there being multiple dimensions, you can envision during this process that along each axis as it is added an infinite number of combinations is possible, but only by having different velocity components which means different times.

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