
Friday, May 24, 2013

a journey to the source of time and awareness in e-hologram theory

One of the most endearing aspects of e-hologram theory to me is the ability to have a self serving circular argument that gives rise to self awareness in the singularity which in turn gives rise to time.  This is both highly irregular and unsatisfying even among unsatisfying theories of matter and space that led to the propositions embodied in e-hologram theory.  It is, however, endearing.  An explanation is in order to move forward.
Un-succinctly put: Everything that has, is or will happen has happened in a singularity.  The singularity is poorly defined only by what is absent: (1) dimension (as we understand it) and (2) time (as we experience it).  The parenthetical is given because under the theory, time is necessary to give dimension (as we experience it) and hence until time is added to the singularity it is a point under our theory of geometry.  Therefore, when we strip away time (black hole) we strip away dimension and therefore all black holes go to the same point, the singularity, no matter how far apart they are.  This, of course, makes faster than light travel intuitive; but that topic is reserved.  The "E" in e-hologram theory comes from Einstein who laid the groundwork for the theory by stating "The only reason for time is so that everything does not happen at once" thereby implying that in the absence of time, things do happen at once in some sense.  The next "leap of faith" is not a discussion of what the tendencies are that would happen sequentially when time is added although that is what this blog entry will concentrate on.  Instead, the next leap is that "awareness" is time.  This awareness is not the awareness that we experience except in the abstract and that must be discussed in more detail.  Since all awareness past, present and future is present in the singularity, this awareness leads to at least one universe of the type we experience giving it time and therefore dimension.  Let us dig a bit deeper.
It is possible that "tendencies" in the singularity allow for events to happen in an infinite variety.  This is the argument that if a line is drawn in every direction, it is not a line at all but a ball and therefore a singularity with no lines embodies the same properties that the ball does.  This is the argument that infinitely small (1/infinity) is the same as infinity/1.  Both take you wherever you want to go and no where so to speak.  While you might say that physics argues against one or the other, you would be wrong because physics argues in favor of both unless the universe is finite which it may well be when you use traditional models.  An explanation is in order to move forward.
If you go to the edge of the universe and go past it, you have an infinite universe.  If you are unable to go past the edge, you have a finite universe.  Likewise, if you view the smallest diameter in the universe and bi-sect it, you have an infinite universe.  The discreditable model holds that the universe "gobbles up" space and that just past the edge is a different type of space.  The e-hologram equivalent is that if you go to the edge of the universe, you have gone to the edge of time.  You can certainly go past that edge unless time stops for some reason (or it is stripped away) in which case you find yourself back at the singularity.  An explanation is in order to move forward.
Time is attached to tendencies in order to form the fabric of the universe.  This "fabric" is a dimensional framework some perturbations of which are matter and some are energy; some are visible (normal) and some are not (dark).  The difference between what is what and where it is is a function of the time attached to it.  An explanation is in order in order to understand faster than light travel, but I digress.  Instead, let's get back to the point of awareness giving rise to time and the infinite possibilities in the tendencies of the singularity.
Singularities are hot once time is added.  Well, at least when our time is added to it.  We know this because of the tremendous heat at the big bang.  The reason is that heat is movement and if time is added to all tendencies at one time, a tremendous concentration of movement occurs as space is added to all of the tendencies at one time and we can see one feature of time as we experience it (for other times would certainly be experienced in other ways) is that it adds dimension gradually (hence we experience a universe which gradually expanded as time adds dimension to the fabric of the universe which we experience as three dimensional "space-time" even though it is only time plus tendencies.  But how to get time out of a singularity made up of tendencies?  An explanation is in order to move forward.
We can assume that the tendencies are tendencies for anything to happen.  We can assume that the tendencies are effectively a single tendency for a single thing to happen since it is in a singularity.  Since the singularity tendency is without dimension or time initially it happens all at once.  If it is a tendency for a single thing to happen an infinite number of ways, it can and our existence argues it did give rise to the universe we experience and I have no more control over what is written here than rock in orbit in space has over its orbit.  This infinitely limited approach is entirely logical.  But using our infinity arguments, this is the same as saying that there are an infinite number of possible results of the tendency and our universe is only one.  This is true whether there is one tendency or an infinite number of tendencies.  While a more detailed explanation than the one given above would be illuminating; it will have to wait.
In the infinite variety of outcomes of tendency in the singularity; one (and only one for you) tendency gives rise to intelligence as we know it (throughout time and throughout the universe) and the concentration of this intelligence in the one outcome of the singularity which we experience gives rise to awareness which, in turn, we experience as time which gives rise to the dimensions which we also experience.  This means that without a circular argument (except to the extent that infinity is circular which it is but we accept infinity since we cannot locate the finite in the universe) we are one with the intelligence that gives rise to time which is a nice touch even though we are only a tiny part of the one since our past thoughts, present thoughts and future thoughts and all other thought gives rise to this.  As has been alluded to and will be the subject of future entries, this renders morality of thought a function of our universe.  It is entirely possible that without morality there would not be enough intelligence to give rise to awareness which would prevent the singularity from being exposed to time as we know it.  Hence, it is arguable that there is a high degree of morality built not only into evolution (where cooperation is necessary to survive) but also into time itself because the awareness required to give rise to time and the universe we experience as a result must be significant in such a large universe which as a strictly circular but logical argument means that the awareness must arise from a cooperative nature which implies some form of morality.  An explanation of what this morality becomes is in order and we will cover that later along with the 10 commandments and as many as might be necessary to arrive at where we are today.

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