
Friday, December 7, 2012

Dreams of Projections: thought in the hologram universe

I have been diligently working out why matter comes in different forms if they are all merely the tendency of what we see as matter or energy, the projection of the singularity in three dimensions onto time, to move into or away from the singularity.  That is the projected information seeks to return to the singularity which gives manifestations of matter and gravity allow for a unified field tied to the tendency of projected items to return to the singularity.  While we think of the singularity by nature as being the spot of the big bang, it is, in fact everywhere since there are no true dimensions, hence black holes millions of light years apart drop back to a singularity in the same spot from which the projection originates.
One line of reasoning which I've most developed is that what we call matter in its different forms travels along the three dimensions (spacial dimensions) which are experienced in the hologram.  The tendency along any one spacial dimension would be a different type of fundamental particle to us and perhaps the migration from one dimension of the three to the other would be a manifestation of force.  That the tendency might join over several dimensions and move freely between two or three gives rise to different manifestations of force.
It stands to reason that the projection over time is that of three dimensions but that in the singularity there would be without any dimensions or time in our sense, yet an infinite number of possible dimensions that could be projected over a given time expanding outward.
The more important question might be the question of what are thoughts.  This started as a question of what are the dreams of the inhabitants of the hologram, but quite naturally that leads to what are any thoughts.
This might be the most important question asked of the hologram as it could possibly take us farther inside than we can otherwise experience (unless perchance we were to drop within a black hole).
As you may recall if you have followed this blog from the beginning, one of the first concepts was that prognostication (Nostradamus, not Sheridan) would be possible if we were merely a projection from a point where everything happens at once since one might go into a state, like dreams, where one was not just the projection, but was in fact at the projector, at the singularity.  This would, if true, mean that in certain states, whether deep thought, dreams or perhaps the most insignificant thoughts of the most brutish of thinking things inclusive originate at the singularity and not within the hologram projected or engraved in the infinitely thin dimension of time.  This will require more attention than I can give now, but if thoughts come from the hologram, then what are dreams and what is hate and lonliness and love?
More on this later.

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