
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

coffee-40-fundamental particles in the hologram universe

I have been working, in my free time-freed from brewing coffee or waiting in line at coffee shops, on the related issues of elementary particles in T-space and why it makes sense that we would observe so many manifestations and those with "spin" and wherein some manifest themselves as matter and others as anti-matter and still others as "carrying force" (the non-unified fields).  These fundamental particles are not directly observed and are more or less theoretical particles, but something has to come from the breakdown of the universe and the quanta that makes it.  If you cut a proton in half, you have half a proton right?
In the hologram universe, this would be wrong, of course.  The model of fundamental particles has to be re-thought or at least considered as just a practical model. 
If we stick to the models, just because they are helpful, we might as well result to pure newtonian physics.  We cannot reject them unless we prove we're just a hologram, of course.  Further, the practical model (and Newtonian physics) is all that matters most days, if the proton is the tendency of the matter to return to the state of a singularity.  In fact, as a projection, it is likely that if scientists were able to follow a proton down to its fundamental parts it would not be a shadow, instead they would follow the projection down to G-space the same way they would travel if they fell down within a gravity well as deep as a collapsed star.
The question in the hologram universe becomes less "why are there multiple elementary particles", but "why we observe fundamental particles at all."
It is a tough hole to travel down with words, but I continue to attempt to come up with a model that makes sense, working with the display of the tendency to return to G-space along the spacial dimensions (particles observed at a fundamental level may be tendencies in one or more dimension-if there are particles that fit within each possible variation (each of the three dimension, two of three and all three at once) you end up with at least 7 different particle types and if each of these has a matter and energy display you would double that to at least 14 different observable particles (or observable tendencies to return to the hologram from time.
It should be noted that you might as easily call these the tendency to leave G-space and if it were possible to look at them from either direction, you might have 28 different observable particles.  force Mayberry will be the move between different spacial planes of a tendency in one ten dency and if all the particles exist exist and just a single playing send multiple to mention particles require some sort of a interactio or are simultaneous display and different dimensions together
You have eliminated the need to carry force because force is manifested from the standpoint of the singularity as just one more manifestation of the observable universe to return from time to the singularity or to be ejected from there.  Since high gravity (black hole) seems to fall back into the singularity, it seems logical that there is only a tendency to return and not one to escape, time being the only loose thread, apparently.
I have an engagment, this will have to be addressed later.

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