
Saturday, December 8, 2012

dreams and the hologram universe and seeing the hologram with thought

Projected Information
The original concept is that we are a projection, a hologram onto time.
One possible corrolarly is that matter is not a projection. Matter(and therefore energy) is the manifestation of three dimensions on time.  There is no distance, since distance only exists as the manifestations of the three dimensions over time.  You cannot measure something, without going from one place to the other which requires time.
Time is infinitely thin so none of the dimensions exist except as their tendency to return from time to a singularity where everything happens at once.
If matter doesn't exist, it may be a reflection of the three displayed dimensions.  These are aberations on time.  Time expands away from a singularity beginning as so hot that the background of the energy remains shown on time to this date.  This massive energy release is the separation of time and the three dimensions and is without form acording to biblical reference and is largely consistent with current observations.  Eventually, this will coallese as black holes and fall back towards the singularity so that it is postulated that what we observe as matter is the tendency of time itself or the three dimensions displayed on time to return to the singularity which in fact they do when they get together enough.
What are dimensions in this model? 
Is the tendency along any one spacial dimension a different fundamental particle to us?
What clues are given where the migration of a tendency from one dimension of the three to the other a manifestation of force?
Our projection over time, t-space, is that of three dimensions.  In the singularity, G-space there would be no dimensions or time in our sense, yet there would be an infinite number of possible dimensions that could be projected over a any given dimension expanding outward, meaning an infinite number of possible times.
If we are only a projection or even a tendency of time or dimensions displayed on an infinitely thin time back towards the singularity, we are a reflection or less of a reflection.  Our thoughts are the thoughts of a tendency or reflection.  Do they exist as a part of the reflection or do they exist as part of the singluarity from which time has escaped.
If we can predict the future, this would suggest that thoughts and  dreams have some connection to the singularity.  Likewise if prognostication is only the application of logic to probabilities, then perhaps there is some unique life to the manifestations of the tendency of things to return as gravity to the singularity which may be for a purpose or may not be.
But otherwise, thought could possibly take us farther inside the hologram than we can otherwise experience (unless perchance we were to drop within a black hole).
As you may recall if you have followed this blog from the beginning, one of the first concepts was that prognostication (Nostradamus, not Sheridan) would be possible if we were merely a projection from a point where everything happens at once since one might go into a state, like dreams, where one was not just the projection, but was in fact at the projector, at the singularity. This would, if true, mean that in certain states, whether deep thought, dreams or perhaps the most insignificant thoughts of the most brutish of thinking things inclusive originate at the singularity and not within the hologram projected or engraved in the infinitely thin dimension of time.
Just as looking at infinitely small matter should "show" the existence of what we call matter as a tendency back to the singularity from the powerful release that sent time away from the singularity and looking at the largest concentrations of tendencies (what we observe as "collapsed matter" that is black holes where matter or the tendency has actually succeeded in reaching the singularity) so to might it be possible to achieve the same result with thoughts.  Otherwise, the thoughts are nothing more than manifestations of tendencies, the dreams of tendencies to return to the hologram as opposed to a reflection of the hologram itself.  In the former case thoughts could be weaponized, at least for purposes of intelligence, in the later, they would seem to hardly matter.

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