
Monday, May 5, 2014

Correspondence Dinner, Putin and the war in Europe

it's hard to imagine anything harder to watch than a dinner, but this one had some special speakers, so I tried to make an exception.  These things are so incredibly boring to attend and you weren't even served food; although if I remember correctly I did have a bowl of grapes.
The White house correspondent's dinner comedy was extremely risque.
Perhaps it was even a little too far even for comedy, but its good that we can laugh at ourselves with the president.
This was the "Captain Americia" is Captain "the country that owes us 1.1 trillion" to China.  While most of us cringed during this monologue;  I listened to see how much this country was recognizing through comedy what is so clear to everyone except our vapid governing body.
You can tell a lot about what's really scaring people, however, by what they don't say.
The president and the comedian in residence both were shameless when joking about race, the most cringeworthy part of the whole thing.  They joked about China and our indebtedness to them because they are too stupid to see how serious that problem is since it will enslave and bring down the western empires or could, because of their weakness lead to thermonuclear war which will kill us all and there will be no one for me to tell I told you so.  It will also render the "brilliant" physics work I"ve done pointless, and yes it's probably not brilliant and pointless anyway.
But what they didn't joke about was Putin.  The reason is that he scares the bejesus out of them and with good reason.  Putin has balls.  They may be stupid balls, but balls nonetheless.  He probably has more than his allotment of megalomania and he is stirring up a grass roots patriotism that may loop him and the other leaders into a frothy sense of destiny.
As I mentioned (and almost immediately was supported) China will use this to further undermine the US (while the US pays them and sends even more money for military build up infrastructure and technology) and will increase Russia's dependency on them.  They will be, and are, of course, the arsenal of both democracy and totalitarianism and the idiots who run the USA are led by the nose as it were by them.
So the political elite are scared to death and this certainly scares the Europeans to death because they are so close to the war zone, that it extends past their borders into the Atlantic Ocean.
We have admitted we have no "military option".  This is both the fault of the Europeans themselves and the US.  The Europeans disarmed and the USA expended its army in the desert (if you want to read how stupid and how historically predictable it was read China's Weaponized Economy or any other half written book about the middle east and Afganistan in particular) and sent all of its technology to china along with whatever credit it had left (it had long ago spent all of its money).
It isn't too late of course.  Europe can pull its trousers up and the US can adopt the policies (starting with a state constitutional convention-fixing, not over-throwing the currently entrenched congress with a constitutionally provided procedural fix) of China's Weaponized Economy; but the truth is that we are a stupid group of animals.   More like cows than what we believe we see in the mirror and we are as likely to stampede off a cliff as do anything intelligent.
But I have to be careful, lest I sound bitter and disillusioned to my readers who are, after all, the crown of creation.

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