
Thursday, July 31, 2014

NLT-the next thing 44 TIME ORBITS WITH PI:

Occasionally I get to some information that isn't finished (obviously the theory would be vastly different if it was finished and I wouldn't be looking for a grant to finish it).  My point of reference is the field equations which took 10 years to finish and this theory represents the equivalent of "the idea" of putting together the field equations.  This is one such entry which is intriguing, but requires more data to finish it.
The name is pretty good and I'd like to keep it since it sounds like something you order in some outer space diner.
I have thought a lot more about dogs civilizing man and perhaps it was dogs cleaning cooking elements that eventually led to washing machines since they seem particularly well suited to this.  Gross as it sounds, i suspect its more sanitary to have a dog clean a cooking utensil than to leave it with more than dog spit to grow bacteria.
I've also been thinking of the village that Lief Ericson built when sailing from Greenland to Canada and how different things might have turned out if the winters had not gotten so bitter and forced both those outposts to be abandoned.   I suppose the thanksgiving dinner would be pickled herring.  And that got me thinking of what was going to happen in the next climate change if humans didn't figure out a way to act with intelligence and I again realized the futility of solving the problems of the universe.
But I have other, bigger problems that affect me today, the next 14 days are going to get very strange indeed, so lets talk about the interaction between spin and non-linearity.

TIME ORBITS WITH PI: Time orbits allow for the initial transition to be to gravity and the following transitions to be forces which either extend above the gravitational force or represent returns of the gravitational force to non-linearity.  The equation assumes that all of the forces remain in place (the extend above option) but preceding dimensional elements go negative giving rise to forces at certain compressions (exponential changes in the rate of common coordinate change) and reduction in other coordinate states to allow for the conservation of time.  Time coordinate changes get closer (x1 to x2 gets closer together) but fast time compressional changes of other points continue within the same matrix of coordinate changes.  The complex relationship that indicates that what we see as compression is actually expansion is covered in the anti-entropy discussion is ignored for now.
The transition in question involves the exponential sequence 10^8 to 10^16.  This is the measure of compression shown above.
The transition changes in either direction: e=mc^2 where c^2 is not only a speed but also a compression change.  The prior transition being ph(photonic energy)^8=Qe where Q represents the quantity of energy involved in the transition, of course.  While it might make sense to look at another, more simple transition first, we have to pick a transition so we will pick the one we are most familiar with.
Coordinate changes occur at a speed between coordinate changes where x,y,z CT3 slow to below light speed transitions and CT4.  That is the speed changes “slow down” when compression increases proportionately.  That is, space is much more compressed and speeds are slowed in the other direction, the exact opposite.
CT3 goes negative in the movement from matter to energy, CT4 goes to zero in the transition of matter to energy and CT3 goes positive.  This means one form of dimension time (space points) transforms into force characteristics as the other begins to change.  CT4 takes on dimension characteristics, in this case as matter, where CT3 points go negative and become force characteristics of non-linear time expression.  It this case, we are “accepting” that NLT is the state of things and linearity just a method of playing them out.
In the transition from CT4 to CT5, CT4 will change into a force characteristic and CT5 will go linear.  Compression will occur at the scale of 10^32.   More equations will follow.
At the change from CT3 to CT4 the resulting equation includes rotation about a point.  At the initial point where the energy level is low (negative CT3 low and therefore low energy states) to rotational change would be low.  As negative energy gets higher (more negative) for a point the rotational coordinates change more quickly.
          Spin in NLT is more like spin than in any other mathematical model, but it is still tied directly to predestined coordinate change.
          Spin in NLT is the ability of coordinate change to occur around one or more points.  Unlike the “spin” attached to fundamental particle theories, this is true “change of coordinates” about a predetermined point.  As such, it is predictable that CT4 is the first type of clock time where (1) standard clock time can be observed and (2) where there is angular momentum.  Quantum gravity exists before CT4, photonic and wave energy forms exist before CT4.  Angular momentum does not exist before CT4.
          The Heisenberg uncertainty principle defines limits in traditional physics that do not apply in NLT theory.  The equation for rotation of this type is L(angular momentum)=r (position vector) x (cross product) p (linear momentum).  The simplified angular momentum is a function of dimension, however, which is not a part of NLT.  The reason the equation changes with NLT is that using the quantum size of matter, i.e. the quantum state of matter, there is no “change” in distance to get a moment, there is no distance to get to the angle of the angular momentum.  So what would this look like with the equations we have?
P=CT(0) +CT1^1/2+CT2^1/4+CT3^1/8+CT4^1/16 (note we don’t have to work with CT5 since it is not necessary to have spin.
Even for a single Clock time your equations look something like this P=((t-y)/t)DA-(t-y/t)FA)dt=((t-y)/t)DA+((t-x)D(A-1) or P=[(t/(t-y))DA+(t/(t-x)D(A-1)]dt=[((t/(t-y))D(A)+t/(t-x)D(A-1)+t/(t-z)(D(A-2)+t/(t-u)(D(A-3)]dt or

 for CT(1) ((CT(t)dt=t^n^2)*(x+t) + (t^n^2)*(t’^n^2)*(x-t) where x is one of three dimensional coordinate changes, t is gravitational force time and t’ is photonic force time, the equation requiring solution for all three dimensions.   You have to look at the time coordinate changes not just as x, but as x, y, and z; but with angular momentum you would have a constant coordinate change about a constant state concentration of energy coordinates, presumably along the 10^16 compression quantization.  The exact nature of this equation is beyond the scope of this chapter.  However, you have some interesting equations, for example the circumference (2piR) around which the angular momentum is calculated is defined by an equation 2xpixP (as defined above).

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