
Monday, July 28, 2014


We're only one post away from the proof of energy being negative.  The proof may be disappointing, but one of the good things about NLT is that it is intuitive rather than counter-intuitive although it occasionally seems like my brain is being stretch out of whack to make one point or another.
A lot of these entries were written a long time ago (relatively speaking) and are less than perfectly aligned as a result, much like my life.
I spoke with a friend of mine who was selling his office building and his home and moving to Montana to live in a 900 square foot house.  I would do that with the right person, perhaps I will, but first, I will deliver the proof that energy is negative time states; but first one last predecessor post on spin states.

HIGH CONCENTRATION STATES: PROTON AND ELECTRON II. The idea here is that all planck length particles have the ability to rotate about an axis (spin); but the minimum size for any subatomic particle is: 1.6x10^-35 meters (not to be confused with grams used above).
When you look at the theoretical mass of a plank length sub-atomic particle you begin to wonder if you're seeing staged coordinate change and this naturally leads to the question of why changes occur.
First remember that CT1-CT3 have not gone away, only gone negative.  Also they are going negative at different scales CT1 having started first is far more negative than CT3 which is a quantum latecomer to negative change.  It is further important to note that while we're using numbers to model this, numbers are creatures of linear space and NLT abhors linear space.
We have 3 charge states (at least) that we can look at:
1) negative-least concentration of CT4, CT3 not as negative as a result; rate change in dimensions highest
2) positive-higher concentration of CT4, CT3 more negative; rate change relatively low
3) Neutral-combined electron and protron
Complicating the analysis is that like with all other rate changes, the rate change of these sub-atomic particles, but still particles, is affected by vibrational rate changes which can be called heat (or warmth for those of us who care) KE = 1/2 m v^2.
The idea that you should be building  is that if you were above to concentrate electrons on the scale of 10^5 and slow the rate change; you could, in theory change the charge and structure of electrons to that of protons.  For those of you who just coughed your coffee through your noses; I'm not saying you can do this, there is an issue of conservation of charge to be dealt with,

Instead what we are looking at is an exchange of energy (here we're going to accept that energy (ke in this case) is negative CT1-CT3 which is being exchanged for changes in CT4 coordinates.

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