
Saturday, July 26, 2014

NLT-the next thing Part 40 TRAPPED CT STATES

I'm slowly going blind.  It seems fitting.  The closer I get to being shut out from being able to see in this world, the more clearly the world of physics seems to open before me.  But there is only a limited time to capture it.  I feel it is unlikely if I cannot type that I would be able to communicate well; nor without the ability to make notes and write out equations can physics be adequately pursued.  It seems like a long process, I hope it is.  One eye is now constantly bloodshot.  I used to see old people with eyes like mine with a sense of revulsion, and of course I feel a sense of revulsion when I look into the mirror having little to do with my eyes.  But the mind plays tricks, it shifts blame according the needs of self preservation.  The more moral we are the less we do wrong, but the more moral we want to be the harder it is to accept the excuses made in the mirrors for our conduct.  Still, I could make the case today for my relative innocence, but it is not going to help to have excuses in this life when trapped in the afterlife.
I don't have my notes on the afterlife with me, there was a computer crash and today will be filled with efforts to deal more or less efficiently with that.  Fear not, everything is backed up a hundred different ways in a hundred different places, the technology seeming to provide peace of mind, but only to the unwitting.  The more intelligent we are the more we know the limits and the futility of protecting our legacies, protecting ourselves.  But since I don't have my notes, we'll continue with Non-linear time theory outside of the afterlife which is physics, of course, but not necessarily part of the overall discussion we are having.
Before we get to the second part of the high concentration states (before getting to the proofs for energy being negative time coordinate states) we're going to take a moment to discuss what happens within higher time states. In order to do that we're going to look at concentrations in terms of "known quantities", quantities being those things like mass and dimension that we associate with linearity.
One problem with math models that needs to be kept in mind is that it is a "representation" of something real.  We can talk about the trajectory of canon balls, but that representation is not particularly relevant if you are in the path of one.  While my purpose is to help you (well help me, you're just along for the ride, I suppose) understand the origins of "linear" time and space and perhaps get a glimpse into non-linearity; the model is just that.  It is as much philosophical as physics to discuss what these things are.  The material the universe is made of is likely to be something that can be called non-linear time brought to linearity; but that doesn't change what it is.  We can talk about different clock times, different time orbits, positive and negative time, energy and dimensional characteristics but it gets us no closer to a real understanding of them.  Our ancestors breaking rocks understood this as well as I do and Parminides 2500 years ago saw the universe fail before the application of logic and close examination long before atoms were understood (or we thought we understood them); long before observations confirmed the existence of singularities, long before the idea of a relativistic universe.
But the Greeks are all gone now, gone Parminides, gone Zeno who attempted to explain, however inadequately, what Parminides saw, gone all Greeks.  All that is left is a void and this discussion of trapped CT states.

TRAPPED CT STATES: While in lower concentration states, we will obviously have CT1 and CT2 states within the same space. In the high Concentration states of CT4, the amount of dimensional change within gravitational matrix is significantly higher.
Remember in earlier discussions, expansion of space was predicted to occur only outside of gravity wells where conversion of matter and energy to space could appear (if and only if spatial expansion occurs. Similarly here we are looking at a situation within large concentrations where CT1, CT2 and CT3 states are effectively trapped within the matrix of particles, that is they undergo dimensional coordinate changes consistent with the CT4 state items with which they are in proximity.
To understand this we need to look at some additional measurements and we’re going to examine something “huge”, the Hydrogen atom, to do this. First, however, we’re going to stick with the individual particles. We’re going to look at Planck length (above) a little more; and fundamental particles. and can be viewed as a reference
Despite the enormous (relative) size of fundamental particles, as we break them down, we end up with sizes where dimensional features begin to break down (see the size requirements of electrons, for example).
There are at least 16 predicted fundamental particles. Since NLT doesn’t care about fundamental particles as particles, the number and type is largely an unnecessary fiction, but like the larger particles, an important fiction. The “17th” fundamental particle, the “higgs boson” doesn’t exist in NLT and isn’t a fiction worth considering (in NLT).
While mass and size are irrelevant in NLT theory for some purposes, they do reflect concentration levels. Most fundamental particles are considered are weight
Before we get to the fundamental particles, we start with Planck Length
Length mass Time
PL=5.4x10^-44 5.4x10^-44seconds (shortest meaningful time) Planck Time
FP= 10^-19 to-21 10^-35to-37 (these are conceptual only for discussion for fundamental particles)
E=5.6x10-15 9.11x10^-31kg

P=10^-14m 1.673x10^-27kg

Photonic energy 5x10^-19 (joules)
Elemental charge 1.6x10^-19 coulombs) (electron/proton)
I added the minimum time size since that is what we’re mainly talking about and this is a scale issue, but you cannot look at a fraction of a second and expect it to have any relevance to any other dimensional component; but we’ll get back to this later so it’s included here.
What we’re looking towards is the amount of “space” operating time coordinate change allowing (or requiring) additional coordinate change states (CT0-CT3) exist within CT4 space.

For these purposes. What we are looking at is (going backwards from matter) a scale change of 10^16^8^4^2 or 10^30 but if we’re looking at meters specifically we are looking at planck length which is 10^-44 compared with 10^-15 of 10^-29 separation states just within an electron. Likewise any CT4 state has room for 10^-30 CT1 states. The similarity of scales is predicted given the foundation of NLT, but it’s always good to see traditional physics line up in terms of scale with NLT (and a bit staggering).
Next we get to the second part of high concentration states and the application of these ideas.

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