
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

NLT-the next step Part 37:rotational 2

RETURN TO NEGATIVE TIME MOVEMENT TO UNDERSTAND ANTI-SPIN STATES AT THE CT3-CT4 TRANSITION: We are now going to look again at the conceptual possibility that force is merely negative dimensional states at the point of rotational movement.  First we need to understand spin states.  Spin is a concept that exists outside of NLT, but it is vastly different in a dimensional universe where things can actually rotate.  What is spin in a NLT universe.  The answer must have to do with changing time coordinates around other CT states, that is CT4 is the ability to create coordinate changes in what is perceived as a circular framework, it is the incorporation of pi but it is rotation in the truest sense.  Instead of moving linearly in every direction including curved directions, it has the coordinate changes of an axis about which the individual (as opposed to combined) quanta rotate.
While large scale rotation of energy about a central gravity source is observed, the roation of individual energy quanta is not necessarily observed.
Gravity exists outside of CT4 so it cannot merely be a bending type of coordinate change.  However, unique to matter is coordinate change about a point.  So CT4 should include in their equation state pi, the rotational movement imperative.  Geometry must exist outside of CT4 since all of the coordinates exist, but rotation around a point does not exist outside of matter, so coordinate change around a point must be a part of the CT3-CT4 transition.  The ability of energy to rotate is always accompanied by matter in some form but the discussion of the interaction of CT4 state dimensional elements and CT3 state dimensional elements is outside of this entry.
The spin state is CT4. The anti-forces are considered to be negative time states.  We are going to take the original simplified equation used earlier and flip them on their heads a bit in order to get the right changes: P=((t/t-y))DA-(t/t-y)FA)dt for each point.  The difference between this an the original equation is that (t-y)/t as y approaches y the size of P approaches infinity.  This makes no sense at all if you think in terms of straight entropy since speeds are dropping but if we look in terms of reverse entropy, if we accept that speeds are the opposite of traditional growth, then as t/t-y gets closer to infinity, the compression increases and the speeds decrease according to the demands of NLT.
This basic equation can be expanded so that P=[(t/(t-y))DA+(t/(t-x)D(A-1)]dt=[((t/(t-y))D(A)+t/(t-x)D(A-1)+t/(t-z)(D(A-2)+t/(t-u)(D(A-3)]dt which can be thought of as CT1+CT2+CT3+CT4. Note that only time transitions matter since non-transitional clock time represents the state where everything happens at once without dimension. 
Critical to this is that DA-1 does not go positive until DA goes negative.  Hence DA must have an equation in it that stays at zero (or in a negative state meaning it is some form of energy) state and goes positive with a similar equation within DA that could well be x-t for y,y-t for z, etc,which would mean that DA approaches zero as D(A-1) goes positive and as t/(t-y) goes to infinity.  It complicated conceptually, but allowing for different states (orbits) represented by DA states from x, y, z and u.

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