
Friday, July 4, 2014


We have reached a spot in NLT theory where things begin to move off of an easy grid to follow.  We have arrived at a place empirically where reality and madness meet.
I live at this intersection, the intersection of reality and madness
Perhaps you missed your stop some time back
I believe there is another bus coming along shortly
Maybe you would prefer to get off of this trolley
There are plenty of reasons not to ride with me
It has been called a bumpy ride, too slow for some
too uneven for others, too uncertain, too painful
All you need to do is shut off you computer
Turn you back on Non linear time theory
All you need to do is turn your back on me
Because the road is not a bad road
It is not madness, it is merely the intersection of madness
and from this point you can find a deeper reality
you can get closer to me if you would like
And you can hope that i take you in the right direction
Just as I can hope that you will be there
to make sure I don't go too far in the wrong one
Read on then, on don't

FEATURES OF TRANSITIONAL CHANGES: There are two aspects of NLT that represent most of the transition.
The first is the conservation of clock time. The second is that each successive clock time type results from slower changes to coordinates of a prior clock time. For example, x, y and z coordinates changing at the speed of light “gradually slow” and as they drop below light speed changes slower than that previous.

Either Clock times change, or there are different clock times. These two are equivalents if not the same thing. If they are different, either one ends when another begins, one changes when the other begins (e.g. into a force type coordinate type), or one continues but is drowned out realively by the “higher” clock time; but this last would presume that the other clock times, higher clock times are in place even when the other clock times appear to be the other ones which while possible, raises additional issues as to what clock time is.
So it is unknown if CT4 matter has CT3, CT2 and CT1 coordinate changes that have slowed dramatically or if CT1 has CT2, Ct3 and CT4 changes that are somehow dormant in terms of linearity even though they are present. The change in position of different forms of CT indicate that coordinate changes continue irregardless. So are coordinate changes each a part of clock time or do the exist separate from clock times or do all clock times continue to allow for the coordinate changes to continue. Each conceptually is related, but each formulation leads down different paths.

A second feature of clock time change, the changes of different points (P1, P2, etc) occur more consistently, there is therefore more concentration.  This is consistent with a single quantum element creating everything, as the changes get more complex and slow down they happen closer together and you get compression.  From this we can infer that CT1-CT4 changes are incredibly slow with Black Holes since they vary exponentially relative to the speed of light.  The effect for CT4 light speed changes is standard clock time, some similarly extraordinary change, equivalent to CT$ and Standard clock time can be forecast when matter changes to black holes. Several coordinate changes appear to occur to allow for CT5 to exist. Additionally there are many coordinate changes experienced by black holes. One is they become the center of dimensional rotation, they exist withing the center of galaxies with the rest of space spinning around them, even the smaller black holes create their own orbital system.

Because compression is exponential, these types of coordinate change are relatively minor compared to the loss of CT4 changes. However, it remains possible that Black holes are something different, that they represent nothing more than a reversal of all of the coordinate changes leading to Standard clock time and only continued analysis will answer.

If the change in coordinates is such that in black holes there is the loss of CT1-CT4 there should be as a part of CT5 a type of non-movement associated with black holes that appear dimensionless. Black holes have no movement in the other dimensions, even Standard Clock Time has gone to zero.  So what is CT5 that must come into play?  What do black holes experience that is one step greater in effect than Standard Clock Time? Is there a “super standard clock time” which is available to us which would hold powers on a scale equivalent to the power that standard clock time gives, the power of thought?

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