
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

NLT the next step Part 13-Paradox 1

I'm going to limit my running commentary. The absence of my thoughts hopefully will not make this too boring, and hopefully I won't explode from holding it in.

Let's go back 2500 years, the the ocean side town of Elea, it's crystal blue Mediterranean waters filled with fishing boats and the occasional trading vessel, the eastern powers ascendant.  No power, no television, a night sky filled with stars undimmed by street lights, the first line of defense to enemies barking dogs, slaves and a leisure class with time for love and thought.  The perfect spot to relax and think about eternity.  
This was written by Parminides, the first Greek philosopher of Non-linear time, 2500 years ago in this city, for more local color see the prior posts related to Zeno:
"...Wherefore it is not permitted to what is to be infinite; 
for it is in need of nothing ; while, if it
were infinite, it would stand in need of everything. It is the
same thing that can be thought and for the sake of which the thought exists ;

for you cannot find thought without something that is, to which it is
betrothed. And there is not, and never shall be, any time other, than that which
is present, since fate has chained it so as to be whole and immovable.
Wherefore all these things are but the names which mortals
have given, believing them, to be true –

coming into being and passing away, being and not being,
change of place and alteration of bright colour.
Where, then, it has its farthest boundary, it is complete on
every side, equally poised from the centre in every direction,
like the mass of a rounded sphere; for it cannot be greater or

smaller in one place than in another. For there is nothing
which is not that could keep it from reaching out equally, nor
is it possible that there should be more of what is in this place
and less in that, since it is all inviolable. For, since it is equal
in all directions, it is equally confined within limits..."

 PARADOX ISSUES:      Before we move on, lets discuss some potential Paradox issues.  A paradox is “a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparent sound) reasoning from acceptable premises leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable or self contradictory.” (Google Dictionary).  Since we are dealing with Zeno/Parmenides era concepts, this definition derives from the Greek roots Para “from” and doxa “opinion or thinking” indicating a separation from thinking.  As we move from space time thinking to NLT thinking we should find ourselves going to and not from the expected results, even if at this stage we have not arrived.
PARADOX 1: Infinite series are important in NLT, EHT and Parminides/Zeno paradoxes.  Infinite series are taken for granted by traditional physics, but they provide conundrums about our world and our universe.    Infinite series “prove” dimension is a fiction.  Exponential growth and infinite division are only two examples.  Pi, when defined as 22/7, is another infinite series.  (Pi), which defines the shape of a circle, provides circumstantial support for circular arguments surrounding the origin of the universe just by failing as a solution.  
          There is a three dimensional equivalent, pi integrated for an infinite set of loops defining a sphere.  There are two equivalent alternatives.  One would form the circles by stacking spheres of infinitely small to desired radius circles and then going down in size again which embodies another infinite series.
          As we go further and further back into creation, we also end up at an infinite series.  If we are the spawn of god's universe, where did god come from.  A more “scientific” approach would be if we come from projection from a singularity using time to create dimensions; where did non-linear time come from and the equally important question of what does an environment with non-linear time and no dimension “look” like.
          The infinite series “solved” by NLT is the creation of quantum distance being half the distance between points defined in terms of time coordinate changes of NLT.  Defining this “smallest space” led to NLT as a method of describing NLT as a quantum of distance in terms of quantum time change.

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