
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

NLT the next step Part 15-Paradox 3

Now that all things have been named light and night; and the things
which belong to the power of each have been assigned to these
things and to those, everything is full at once of light and dark night,
both equal, since neither has aught to do with the other.

And thou shalt know the origin of all the things on high,
and all the signs in the sky, and the resplendent works of the
glowing sun’s clear torch, and whence they arose. And thou
shalt learn likewise of the wandering deeds of the round-faced

moon, and of her origin. Thou shalt know, too, the heavens
that surround us, whence they arose, and how Necessity took
them and bound them to keep the limits of the stars . . .

How the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the sky that is
common to all, and the Milky Way, and the outermost Olympos,
and the burning might of the stars
arose.Parminedes, 500 b.c. (more or less)

PARADOX 3: SELF AWARENESS: This analysis (of NLT) means that WHAT we perceive as self awareness or self determination is nothing more than an illusion of the expression of NLT in a linear format.
          While this is an intriguing concept. There is no-absolute condition in this regard. If you look at the manifestation of NLT as "digital" in nature, it is possible that there is some way in which you could go into the programming and change the code.
          NLT suggests there is no "true" self awareness or self determination.  But if we can change the code, forces exist outside of linear time that would permit the coordinates of the universe to be altered. Something had the ability to assemble the universe in a non-linear format from the standpoint of non-linearity (of either dimension or space), the so-called dimensionless void of pre-space time. This isn't the void of space; this is the void of non-dimension, non-linear time where everything happens at once.
          If we "crack the code" of Non-linear time, if we hack the universe, then we not only have the ability to change our coordinates moving at will between coordinates in time and space, but we could change outcomes. While this is seductive, it would give us true self determination which is contraindicated even though we recoil against being slaves to non-linearity where "everything happens at once" which necessarily says that things are preordained by definition, Einstein's definition.

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