
Monday, February 23, 2015

NLT-time, how boring is that?

As I sit here impressed that a bureaucratic function could stop the pursuit of this "time shattering" conceptual framework of reality I am also mindful of how irrelevant our personal frames of reference are.
As you know, in addition to correctly defining the universe (in terms of change perceived in a singularity without change for those of you who are just tuning in) I also feel free to rant about anything that comes to mind.
Today my rant will be without much directly.  It would be a random rant, but I have disproved randomness, so it will just be confusing.
I'm suffering from writer's block represented by too much b-s type work.

      It will be argued from CT1 forward that the universe is created by a “compression” of time coordinates. That is, we know that energy “slows coordinate change” in the “lower clock times” and “compresses” or “concentrates” to form matter.  Matter can be defined as energy having consistent coordinate changes in 4 coordinates or more generally as informational coordinate changes in 4 coordinates.  We can speculate that gravitational time (CT1) combines to form photons when CT2 goes non-linear so that photons can be defined as informational states where 2 coordinates change consistently in informational coordinates. 

      If one accepts dimension, this is less likely.  If space exists, then all gravity points P(CT1(D1(x,y,z), F1(x,y,z)) occupy the same place where x is changing, but none of the other coordinates.  P stands for a gravitational point here.  D1 is the one dimensional characteristic features and F1 the corresponding force features.  There is nothing to combine.  But if space doesn’t exist, you can have multiple one dimensional points changing simultaneously one coordinate (x,y or z, etc) at a time.  
Acceleration is defined in terms of T plus deltaT, that is time plus whatever change in time occurs.  In NLT we are primarily concerned with deltaT.  We only perceive deltaT which is why it is most important.  We cannot, however, ignore T.  The reason is that T is a set of coordinates that deltaT "originates" from.  While T exists in a singularity and has no real position in space, it does define where delta T will be perceived in the space-time matrix.  This inter-relationship itself is important, but we'll come back to it.
Delta T is also important in non-quantum, non-NLT physics, as it is used in acceleration.  The change in distance (coordinates) divided by the second derivative change in time (m/s/s) defines acceleartion.  That is a=(m/s)dt and in this simple equation NLT is hiding, waiting to pounce if we only look for it.
The first derivative is the change in distance over time; the derivative of mdt.
What is wrong with that.

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