
Sunday, February 1, 2015

IP-edited 8


We do not have any evidence of ct6 states other than the model which is confused by the failure to have a common unit of measure other than information. NLT has to assume information takes different forms in different states of clock time-as space, energy in multiple forms, matter in multiple forms, presumably black hole material in multiple forms, etc-and perhaps we would "see" ct6 states at what we'd otherwise view as the edge of the universe, but it could equally be ct0 (or even ct(-1)-negative 1) even though the designation as 0 or negative is largely to distinguish it from linearity which could easily begin even before the change in known coordinates.


There are no intended religious overtones in this. While I occasionally mention Hinduistic features like a circular or recurring universe or creationist initial linearity or even discussing what the concentration of intelligence without time or dimension would be like, these are all merely offshoots of a purely "mechanical" analysis and represent the brief forays from "genius" (if there be any genius in this analysis) to insanity (assuming the entire undertaking doesn't remain in the realm of madness).

That being said, the real problem with all of physics is that existence is without
foundation. We tend to accept that there is time and space, but accepting anything is without intellectual merit. We should not exist because there is no reason to exist. Time and space can be real or illusion, but why should there be either? The existence of a universe is not intuitive. For something to exist, there must be existence, a great leap from nothing, not the emptiness of space, but nothing. It is counter-intuitive for such a great leap to occur.

Having the ability to do something constructive even in the absence of true self determination is one of the bizarre, inexplicable, but more enjoyable aspects of accepting fundamental existence. Of course, the absence of fundamental acceptance is to not exist, which in NLT is only possible if you take that position initially, it requires you die at conception.

And this determination of an intuitive reason mathematically or even spiritually for existence, is the fundamental “first world problem”, but the explanation, the ability to make this most counter-intuitive of aspects of the universe, is only one goal. Making a floating car, that is more fundamental to everyone who doesn't question existence, who accepts it, at least for most of the day.

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