
Sunday, February 8, 2015

NLT the solution of pi and exponential, negative compression part 2

You cannot always expect some major revelation
Life is all about sequential points
It is easy when you are sitting in your own chair, under your own room
holding your cocktail in your hand
safe in knowing at least what tomorrow brings
even if you feel that emptiness in your core
that joins you to someone else
or lacking that to non-linearity itself
the futility that you can only escape with someone else
left alone it merely eats at you
it is east to sit and wait for someone else
to give up everything to provide you with a moments illumination
and explanation for the good and the bad
but it isn't so easy for everyone else
I don't have that drink in my hand
much as I'd like it right now,
scotch melting ice would be nice
but I don't even have that escape
only cold reality
knowing that if i give up everything
whether i am ready for that or not
even that might not be enough
it might be worth the risk
for what is life except for the opportunity to take chances
recklessly or with planning, hurting everyone or no-one
i rock back in forth in life
reaching for life and accepting irrelevance
my life is the solution to pi
except there is an end
a point past which it loses its relevance
But that is not the case with non-linearity.
The reason that a solution to pi is so important is because it is required to have an infinitely small circumference, quantum space: C=2pi(r) or
pi=c/2r as r approaches zero.
The places where quantum mechanics finds a foothold are where r goes to zero or infinity.  Somewhere in the former (zero) pi much achieve a finite answer.  At the same time, under a linear universe, the equation to solve for pi renders this impossible.  You would, to get a finite answer, have to "stop" the solution at some point.
In a strictly quantum universe, this is possible and not possible.  You merely say the smallest quantum of space is x and you solve till you reach this very small point and say, beyond that there is no splitting, it is the minimum size of a circle, a quantum point circle.
However, the very nature of the equation for determining pi renders this impossible as it requires that you gradually arrive at a point without every arriving.  It is the essence of NLC that time is non-linear and that linearity is a solution for the minimum amount of linearity and the point where the maximum amount of linearity arrives back.
There is also every indication that forces are negative indicia offsetting the positive indicia but incompletely providing that non-linearity remains but that the offset is imperfect allowing for non-linearity and linearity never to be completely triumphant one over the other or the universe would go wildly unlinear or would cease linearity altogether.
The remnant of this process is pi=4/1-4/3+4/5-4/7+4/9-4/11 etc
An alternate version, which is not a solution to pi is 3/0-3/2+3/4-3/6 etc.  We rail against the alternative because it starts with infinity, that is non-linearity, and then seeks to achieve a point which is infinity less some finite amount. If we started with 3/2 we would be very comfortable and we then we could say that this second point is the "pi" of ct3, perhaps increasing our comfort level further if we started with 3/1-3/3+3/5\-3/5 etc, but there are reasons why a result that is logical in our universe might make less sense in a non-linear universe where there is an infinity, an absolute singularity.
Note that these infinite series start right where we want them to.  4 with ct4, 3 with ct3, down and down  they go alternating only with the starting point.
This then is the cat we should skin to understand the relationship between pi and non-linearity.

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