
Saturday, January 31, 2015

IP edited Gravity 7 Time dilation PART 2

Gravity Time dilation PART 2

Fiction seeks to have people go backwards and forward in time. While I would argue it is possible to see into the past and into the future, it is not possible to go to the past and the future.
The argument can be made that you can go back in time, because it isn't lost, everything continues to happen at once. Time is fixed because everything happens at once and this prevents you from going back because you'd have to have been back at that time. We are stuck in amber. We are not on a train traveling down a track, we are frozen in several places on the track at once. We only think we are moving because we are too stupid, or have been before me, to realize that the fixed nature of things in the universe necessarily requires that everything has already happened and we are merely experiencing it in a linear fashion because linearity is a result just a gravity is a result of the linear perception of everything happening at once along a given set of conserved coordinate changes. Even were we to travel down a different set of coordinates, the interface of all things all over the universe, would always appear the same once we went linear because there is only one way to display the data at a fixed point because the data is all fixed relative to each other data point. At least, that’s one interpretation of NLT.

At each transition the equation should hold true, from space to photonic, photonic to wave, wave to matter, matter to ct5, ct5 to ct6, etc). (1-2GM/(rc^2)^1/2 and 1-v/c^2 can be replaced with 1-x/c^2 where we can predict an equation for x for each transition. Someone out there is racing to put down the x's before me, the equations that would fit at each juncture where the fabric of display, actually there is no fabric, but its a turn of the phrase, becomes too compact and requires a shift and as he does so decides he is brilliant. He is not. This isn't just because I have pointed out that there is a silver dollar under some of the cups that are turned upside down in front of you, that would not alone prevent brilliance. The sad truth is that whoever is doing this has already done it. And what is brilliant about being forced to do anything because its already done? Well, perhaps something is, so if you write it before I do, post it as comment if you like and maybe I'll give you a sticker.

So what we have added is the equation 1-x/c^2 where x changes according to some function of the increase in concentration of time along the equation 2^n at transitions where the amount of time information that is displayed relative to nearby changes in other time information becomes too high to express using the prior 2^n state.

One of the great things about reinventing physics, something that very few people have been able to do is that you get to match things up for the first time. First you have to figure out something about the universe that builds on and to some extent undermines everything else in the universe.
I have the dubious privilege of bringing together the past sections and the present, to match the two examples of 1-x/c^2 I with the 5 obvious ct states even though the first
two are pretty easy, assuming I'm right. And, of course, since no one else is more capable than me since I am nothing more than a preselected “winner” from whatever lottery the universe is running, the privilege of coming up with formulations of x which would allow for the transformations between all the ct states…or determining that maybe there are not that many after all. Read on.
The concentrations of different clock times must, according to the rules of information theory (2^n) and must change according to some formulation of the concentration equation. However, there is no constant other than the informational “bit” nature of NLC. Mass is not constant throughout all changes, nor is energy, nor is any other single feature. Even space is not constant, changing radically at least at the CT0-CT1 and CT4-CT5 boundaries and this change is going to be important in determining where we transition x in the equation 1-x/c^2.
Change does not rely on any one feature of clock time. The "information" has different features depending on the number of simultaneous coordinate changes on a quantum level. The conservation of coordinate change means that the feature changes and if the transitions of 2^n happen at all, it is only obvious at the energy-matter conversion because the theory finds this to be a transition between and third and fourth change state (the number of coordinates changing) and we recognize the change because it makes sense in the context of the overall theory. That is, we see 10^(2^n) at this transition not as a coincidence but as justification for the theory, even though the e=mc^2 only shows one transition among the 5 observed (0-1 (giving rise to gravity), 1-2, 2-3, 3-4 (e=mc^2), 4-5 (black holes). I point out the gravity and black hole transitions because those are uniquely relevant to the time dilation inquiry. The obvious transition "state" is the concentration of energy to form matter. But time dilation is not observed here, instead the gravity dilation appears to change (dilation actually transitions) at the ct4-ct5 state utilizing the gravity dilation equation.

While it does not perfectly correspond to a mass transition), a common unit other than information remaining elusive, the transition should correspond to some informational state that can be measured according to the quantity change of 10^36 (i.e. 10^(2^5)). Another way of writing this would be M=CT(5)y where CT(5) is a set amount of black hole material and y is c^2^2 or c^4 but CT5 cannot be defined in terms of mass alone for purposes of measurement because of the transition of space caused by adding an additional simultaneous coordinate change.

It is, of course, fundamental to the theory to identify all transition, but it is clear that the addition of another coordinate change allows for super-compression of material by changing the value of r in the gravity dilation equation. The transition material is matter to ct(5) material which we know to be the stuff of black holes, but is otherwise only partially developed.

So, you ask, what are the equations for x and transition materials (i.e. what is
concentrated to make what is the resulting form) for each of the other states?
I posit that gravitational time dilation transitions permanently for concentrations at the ct4-ct5 boundary. We can speculate that velocity time dilation, being a uniquely linear thing (movement along an axis is velocity after all) could be tied to the ct0-ct1 boundary. This is consistent with linearity being tied directly to gravity.

The existence of only two transitions between the ct0 and ct5 states is, similarly, consistent with the "time orbit" concept and would allow for time orbit "shapes" to generally change at these two extremes with the intermediary combinations merely being "higher energy states" within these two orbits if you go for those types of analogies, really more just tools since it is a terrible analogy other than the possible reflection of this concept in things like energy states and true atomic/molecular orbits.

It is not inconsistent with the concept of a continuum of states where linearity (ct0 to ct1) is merely one state in a circle of states (snake eating its own tail) where linearity is merely a force not unlike gravity, electromagnetism, or photonic states, albeit a strange force.

This indicates that there are at least two (and suggests other) event horizons, one at the ct0-ct1 interface and another at the ct4-ct5 interface.

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