
Sunday, January 11, 2015

nltit-the movies part 3

Informational time change.
Before we discuss this is more detail, there is some question about why this theory isn't moving quicker.  Being preordained, predestined if you were, it would seem possible that it could or should happen faster.
However, there is a problem here.  I have other things to do. I want to take some time to "rant" about one of those before delving more thoroughly into the blog.  I am putting off my writing about how poetry is catnip to women (not being sexist, just poetic) as well as my deeper analysis of economic trends in order to deal with ninutia that I am preordained to deal with.
So what is the nonsense that prevents me from getting to these insightful matters that I have already gotten to as much as I'm going to get to them?  It is the frigging credit reporting agencies, aka CRAs in the vernacular.  These clownish operations are a necessary evil to maintaining the power elite and the courts, part of the power elite, therefore treat them with kid gloves.  What form does this take?  One is interpreting the statute uniquely so that there is no injunctive relief.  I can get around that, perhaps, but imagine a private group that can say anything they want and our courts refuse to do anything about it even though in every similar situation they do exercise that jurisdiction.  Coincidence or the preservation of power?
How else?  Well, they limit damages by contorting the issue of damages.  Neither congress, the representatives of the people, nor the courts have done anything to prevent the problem.  They pretend to be the vox populi but it is largely the voice of the status quo of the ruling class which is only served by a healthy middle class which is only possible with a healthy manufacturing class capable of building a healthy meritocracy.
My job in this deal is to use this forum and this situation in order to build something...but what?  A revolution?  A more fair society?  What role is it that I have already fulfilled?
There is an answer.  I've already written about the idea of a state constitutional convention.  This is an idea which is rarely menitioned in the main-stream nut job term limit blogs.  It takes an outlier nut job blog to cover an item like this.
As I re-write China's Weaponized Economy, I am going to split the concept into two part.  CWE will be one part, the other part will be under the general heading "Reforming Government through the process of a State Constitutional Convention through a grass routes county/statewide constitutional converion syste".  That's a little long even for me, but it's probably not a bad idea.
Like the rest of my life it is a work in progress.  The "work" I'm doing going through the biography of Paine (including side tracking into the virtue philosophies of some extremely strange, of the ancient (like socrates) and others not so ancient like Machiveli who apparently suffers from a bad rap, apparently because of his philosophies, at least in part.  But you have to read another set of blog entries to keep up with that, I merely mention it because these things, largely a result of the failure of virtue and the largesse of the masses, and the nonsense that I am forced to deal with, distract me.
More on this later?  I'm not so sure.

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