
Monday, September 23, 2019

The last days of the New Orleans zombie, Charge 2, ionic/convalent and Rotting

So the screenplay has a name.
Two days of 2200 yard swims (1200 im) after a 33 minute stair, 2 sets of weights workout; then another 32 minute stair and 3 sets of weights workout then a swim tonight.
Weight at 176 this am seemed a little high under the circumstances.  I am having weight problems, portion size problems.
I am also having rot problems.
The environment is rotten, there are things in my life which are rotting.
And there there is this.
My hammock is so moss covered as to be unusable, at least estetically.
I have a chair swing which was set up to take in when not in use, but it was let out and now is in tatters.
It is as if my life is rotting around me.
I have been gathering stones from the yard, but many are too large and buried too deeply to easily gather up.
While some trees have been cut away, there are two dead trees standing and several that have fallen over that yet live but need to be converted to firewood.
There was a time when I would have had greater energy regarding these things.  I would have found my pri-bars, saws and shovels and gone about the business of cleaning these things up.
I know the source of many of these problems, but not all of them.
I have been working hard on science, pushing so deeply the mud threatens to swallow me.
I think many of my drawings have to change to reflect the fractal nature of things and I see the combinations coming to light in ways that surprise me, but should not.
I am approaching the 1/3 limit in the editing of the science of nostradamus.  It is something of a struggle, it needs a lot more work than I had hoped for.

But let's talk about charge, covalent bonds and the like.
In the last post we defined some things and that set us to looking at other things and these pictures showed up.
Figure 1
This first one shows the result of the application of AuT to observed phenomena.  It also shows an overlap which is very important.  The overlap, 1/2 of the two arms, forms a specific grouping, a central compression circle with two half circles (1/2 the diameter) on either side.

Figure 2
 This figure shows how in a bar spiral galaxy that same internal pattern is presented.  Fractally, if it was absent it would be cause for concern.  The overlapping area is in the region of the galactic core, jsut as it is the human core in the trademark (first picture) above.  what is significant about this is that it suggests that an atomic core must follow the same rule fractally with exponentially less compression; but with a more perfect appearance.
This woudl be a neutron core (big circle) surrounded by a proton core (smaller two circles) followed by the electron in the form of the spiral arms.
While there are traces of a third and fourth arm, but primary spiral arms are only two in number, one coming off of each of what we are calling the half circles.
figure 3
This view of ionic bonding (it could also be covalent) may not withstand the first two pictures, becuase what they suggest is that the hydrogen atom would look like this:
Figure 4
In this very rough drawing, you have the red as one electron and the blue as the other.  Overlaping the middle you have (1) for hydrogen the large inner circle radiating the two arms.  In Helium, you have the inner circle represeenting the province taken over by the neutrons and the two hydrogens occupy the half circle from "between which" the two electron clouds extend.
This gives a much different view of balance than the view given by Figure 3, but it suggests something that is facinating.  While the green circle becomes avalable as the next core from which the 8 electron shell arms can be built, it can readily bee seen that there is another location (the 2:2 location of the f-series) within the green arm which is available for this purpose.
Figure 5
You can see this to soem extent in this extended drawing, which shows how the size of the area for each successive arm building can be expanded based on the Fibonacci series.  In this case the base A, base B and Base C locations all provide for expanding growth of electron shell origins which can achieve differing levels of compression (2 electrons shown as the two primary arms with 8 for the A-A, 8 for the B-B and then whatever for the shells which are further out, all built outward according to a common inner fractal arm.
Since there are 2:8:8 this suggests that the number of lesser circles defined by the b-b and c-c elements are 2^3 features which is potentially troubling snce a 2^2 and 2^3 feature would be more in line with the underlying mathematical structure.  The better idea is that there is somehow room, given the two arms of 2^2 and 2^2 on each of the two arms which only have 2^1 electrons in the arrangement shown.  This can be easily drawn, but there is more than one way to do this; but we are doing fractals.
Figure 6

Figure 7
Figure 8 or Figure 7 reimagined

Above (figure 6) you can see the center which have the overlap and two arms.  Then you see half of the pair coming off 2 of each of two arms and then you can two more.  This is fractal design and it works up to a point.
The two parts, the five.4 t6 and the fractal arrangement suggested work together.
The following two figures show different ways of approaching graphically the outer orbitals of atoms which will bear further consideration in the posts that follow.

Chapter 16

Levee storm doors close sealing off the city

Dr. Chang from Memphis drives across the lake, the water is high on the bridge.  They were stopping cars from going over the long causeway from the north side of lake Ponchetrain to New Orleans but he zoomed around the roadblock and no one chased him.  In his rearview mirror, he saw an officer waving at him wildly and another with both hands on his hips and looked back just in time to prevent his car from crashing into the concrete sidewalls.
On his radio, the news is talking about vagrants who have been attacking tourists.
Oh god, I may be too late. 
Just as he exits the bridge, he hears sirens.  On the other side of the bridge, police cruisers sit on an empty bridge going north with their blue lights flashing.  He hears someone yelling and passes by someone who had to jump out of his path.
He looks behind him.  Large metal doors, as tall as a house are closing the gaps between the levees that are normally open to the lake.  The storm, of course.  They are closing the bridge and the gaps in the levee in case the river rises.  What next, he wonders out loud?

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