
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Fate and climate change

Time, and therefore fate, is tied to pre-time changes in dimensional states underlying the higher dimensionsal states from which are they built.
For whatever reason, the universe picked me to disclose this science.  It could have picked the least of the physics professors in the world in which case they would have been elevated to the pinacle of their profession and showered with rewards, but it picked me.
The winner of the fickle finger of fate award.  To him goes none of the glory but all of the heartache.

People are idiots, that is why we are going to die.
We would die anyway, but not so quickly.
Or maybe not, with AuT.
We could not survive as we are, but as we could be with an understanding of the underlying science.
Perhaps our universe reflects just such a survival by a race not led by idiots, not defined by the idiocy of the mass mind.  One led by a mind like mine own, picked out by fate.

This blog should wax eloquent on this idea of fate as pre-time change, but it will not.
So what is this blog post about?  Not stupidity, but why the suggested treatmens for CO2 removal won't work.
Let us start by talking about the source of CO2 and what has worked historically.
CO2 comes from turning stored carbon into burned carbon, burning being nothing more dramatic than adding Oxygen.  A lot of this comes as cellulose, i.e. plants; a lot comes from petroleum.

Ok, what has worked historically?  Basically this is putting it back where it came from.  Trees which turn into coal or oil; but also reef systems which take it out of the ocean where most of it is going.  We can plant the crap out of forests, but 3/4 of the world is ocean and we cannot plantthe crap out of reefs.  There is not a lot of room for them and acidification of the ocean is killing what is left.  Also,they are a slow process, millions of years of work.

So how about the dumbass ideas of taking it out of the ocean or air using technology systems?  Any moron with a cursory understanding of fluid dynamics (aka unit operations) knows that it would be impossible to pass enough air or water through these systems to have a significant effect.

So what are the solutions if we are not all going to die?

1) The biological solution:  This is a combination of trees and plants, population control and man made organisms that would survive in the ocean and incorporate the carbon into shells and sink to the bottom of the ocean.  This is a near term solution that might easily backfire, but has a snowball's chance of working.

2) The high technology solution:  This is some rendition of what we are already doing with the systems that would remove carbon from the air or water; but would work.  AuT has a suggestion here, to control the earth's magnetic field to make it cooler or hotter depending on the need.  This is more sci-fi than the biological solution.

The funny thing is that neither of these is likely to be pursued in time. There will come a day when people start dying from a lack of oxygen.  Then it will become important to some people and they will go through all those things that do not work and maybe begin on the ones that do.
But it will be too late, and everyone will die.
Or maybe, just maybe, the guantlet thrown down to me will be picked up, somehow I will draw this sword from the stone that the close minded sycophants of the inteligencia have placed around it.

The unconventional, new-age ways people are getting buried

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