
Sunday, April 19, 2020

day 136of the covid apocalypse live video on the series being produced

I am waiting for it to rain and expecting to try to swim even though the water temperature is too low.  I don't know what I weigh today and the short bike ride yesterday only barely qualifies as exercise.  I have no reason to be excited today as the first deadline in September looms large, the February deadline is not too far off.
I am not anywhere near a panicky position as I have been in the not too distant past, but there are many things for me to do, including the May deadline which I feel fairly good about, but which would be much easier to face if things would pick up.

I am going to edit this video, probably reshoot it with a headset for quality; but in the interest of experimenting with what is available, I am including the rough draft.

A much better, but still relatively poor quality video (the time video) is here:  (ACCELERATED 1.25:1 because I respect your time and don't mind sounding like a drugged chipmonk.):

I have completely upended physics, but I am working witha very small base of followers compared to those who reject my model because they are afraid to embrace change.
The battles I am fighting right now are too numerous to list, but suffice it to say that ignorance and prejudice are alive and well in the world. #newsflash.

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