
Saturday, April 11, 2020

Day 128 of Covid apocalypse

I was .2 pounds "under" my target weight two mornings in a row, before dropping a full pound today.  I will come out of this very fit, perhaps dead.  My personal life is being destroyed, it is so far off the rails that I do not think there are any rails left.
Some say it is day 28, but they are ignoring the realities which seem to date back to November in truth, even before my date of origin.
I took two days off from my daily bike ride to swim before the storms and cold front moved in and at 74 degrees it was bracing, but with the sun not uncomfortable.
Yesterday, everything went wrong, business seemed to fall apart despite promises of renewed effort and I got a flat tire on the way home which I was only able to partially patch.
The empty streets of the world played on my YouTube video feed.  The South Koreans are seeing reinfection in people who recovered from the covid 19 and long term effect post recovery problems continue to surface.  I have a dry cough, I suppose I've had it for a month, a year, my entire life.  My first cousin died. It doesn't seem real.
My sleep schedule is off, I am up at 4:30 am, I go to sleep early.  It is causing problems, more precisely it is magnifying problems.  I am ready to move on despite being under quarantine.    
I figured out how to do backgrounds on zoom, well worth the upgrade (the solution).  I was happy about this and then my cousin died.
The physics continues to progress.  I am making significant strides forward, the term determinant universe has entered the lexicon even though it has always been a part of this model, it gives a dry, prior art feel to the concept which is post relativistic.
I have destroyed Einstein's work and reanimated the work of Zeno and Parmenides, I have found the underlying symmetry and it is so ugly in certain respects that its beauty is hidden.  It is the colorful pattern of the poisonous snake.

My eyes are getting worse.  There is little reason to go out for treatment because there is little that can be done.  It is hard to work.

The old art from a prior post: "Even the complex equations of quantum electrodynamics reduced themselves to simple pictures, which we now call Feynman diagrams. Feynman wondered if the solution, his diagrams, were in some way more fundamental than the quantum electrodynamics that he used to derive them."

Let's look at one of those diagrams from Wikipedia:

 AuT suggests that the Feynman diagrams are incomplete and approximations relevant only for certain states of compression; but that the alternative anti-Feynman states can be easily calculated depending on features of AuT.  That has little to do with what we are seeing in these diagrams where there is an accuracy which is unintended and an inaccuracy which is obvious.
The photon is exponentially smaller than the electron, a 10^12 composite (composed of ct12 elements primarily just as a galaxy is primarily black hole ct5) electron vrs a 10^9 or 10^6 composite photon; the arguments in favor of one or the other appear in different papers and it does not matter.
Annihilation of information does not appear, although certainly any time that information changes from a post time state to a pre-time state, ct4t6 and higher to a ct3 or lower state it would look like annihilation to a pre-aut scientist.
As the only living true post aut scientist it is a frustrating and lonely place to live.

I am leaning towards spending more time on my pre-covid work; I have done what I can for now in the post-covid work and it wants to eat up all of my time without promising much more.  I'd like to do the zombie re-write book and publish it, I'd like to finish editing the science of Nostradamus and while I am working on the next edition of the patented science, I would like to spend more time on it.  I have picked up the funding work, but that is slow and the true deadline is a month off to hear about the grant which was so important a month ago and now seems so uncertain, like the future.

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