
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Day 145 of the covid 19 apocalypse and where mad scientists come from

I'm going to go on a bitter, self-serving rant, is that news?  It is, however, presented as entertainment and a public service announcement.  No real people are intended to be offended by this.
The better question might be what's not wrong with it.  First it isn't anything, second, the fundamental theory is already done and its actually a model which can be discerned with little difficulty from this blog (or the published papers).  And yet they write about crackpot ideas from people just because...what?  They have money and a cool name?

"One day they will all pay," so goes the one line that identifies someone as a mad scientist.
"We meet at last, Austin Powers, James Bond, etc" is also a good line, but not of the same caliber.
Where do mad scientists come from?  I have this theory, they received one too many form letters from Venture Capitalists.

For today's lesson, I will be dissecting the "detailed response" I was assured would be coming from, the fictitious name I'm giving to an otherwise anonymous  group whose claim to fame seems to be their database of connections and their method of establishing "warm connections" which I have not warmed up to yet.

Anyway, they had this quick decision thing and they sent out this response showing they have their heads up their ass and would like nothing better than to find the next ticktok or facebook and just grind out more money from someone else's idea and wouldn't know a true game changer for humanity if it bit them on that aforementioned ass hard enough to burst their hemorrhoids.

Let's bisection a form letter, my comments (angry ramblings of a senile homeless man) are underlined.  This is an actual letter.  The names have been changed to protect the innocent, although no one is innocent) and it comes from a specific vc group, but it could come from any one of them, I may make this into a series

Thank you for applying to OUR POMPOUS ORGANIZATION  by sending us a Company Brief  Right out of the Box...  "Thank you?"  For what?  As will be shown, what these do-nothing leeches are saying they didn't have time to look closely at anything.  Its a fishing expedition.  How about "Who can we take advantage of?  Not you, apparently.  Why are you wasting our precious time, our time being more valuable than yours because we invested or invented an app that lets people share pictures of monkeys"  That would be less disingenuous.
Unfortunately, we're still not going to pursue discussions at this time for an investment.  "Still?"  What the fuck does that refer to?   You can see the "care and attention" they give to this.  Their site does allow me to see that they spent 7 whole minutes looking at it.  The time video is 9 minutes and that is just one thing, the biggest thing ever in physics in many ways, but just one thing.  I'd be amazed if the response wasn't triggered by an algorithm they ran. 
 And unfortunate?  They mean this to me, but they are the form letter writers who just want a free ride for cash, hardly unfortunate for me.  And what is this about "at this time..."  It sounds like they have some problems knowing how little I give a rat's ass.
With applications from so many strong teams, we will undoubtedly miss a few great companies so we encourage you to maintain your enthusiasm for what you're building. F-k you.  Do I need your encouragement to be enthusiastic about my project.  I've solved the frigging space time continuum.  What have you guys done?  Oh yeah, made a bunch of money off some dumb apps that don't make any money but allow users to share photos of the founders scratching their asses.
As Founders, that is what sustained us through the many ups and downs. I seriously doubt they were sustained with anything other than luck and taking advantage of other more gifted, but less financially savvy programmers, but what do I know what sustained them or if they are really founders or if they even know what that word means in this day and age.
And now as VCs, though our least favorite part of the job is saying no, we believe strongly in a quick decision to maximize your valuable time.  As if these guys who have no idea what we've done have any consideration about "our valuable time," when clearly they gave all of 7 minutes to a new physics...
Below are resources we’ve built that we hope are helpful to you and your team: is a place to get introduced to more targeted VC's through the people who already know and support you.
You can use your XXX URL for other investors. We’ve seen that sending your Brief XXX through warm intros you find on can make a big difference, yeah, thanks a lot for all the warmth in your form letter.
I wish you all the best, As if they give a rat's ass about me!

The theme is that you get enough rejection with a science like this, you eventually build a giant laser in your garage and then its up to Austin Powers or James Bond to shut you down before you destroy the moon. Eventually, I'll build a fusion reactor in my garage and we'll see how long it takes to get from there to the giant laser.  But there is another story.

The world is going to come out of this CV-19 shut down needing something that is going to crack the world wide open.  The modern equivalent of bronze age science to a tin and copper world; relativity to a Newtonian world; the internet to a desktop computer world.

I'm clearing out the garage just in case.

Last but not least here are a couple of articles I just want to touch on:
This is a stupid article which confuses everything and promises nothing.  AuT requires an uneven expansion, but one which is highly regulated despite the regional disparities.  They don't even know what the universe looks like and they're making judgement calls about its expansion based on a single observation from a single location as if that meant anything.

This is a principle of AuT and that other scientists are seeing it from other perspectives is just a little irritating since they should be noting, as previously theorized and mathematically proven by AuT, but whatever.

Now where is that information I've been drafting on building giant lasers...

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