
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Day 133 of the covid apocalypse-The time Video

Day 133. 171.6 pounds, ah the joys of famine.
A good, bracing 2000 yards two days ago, 74 degrees, cool and breezy.  Yesterday was a short bike ride, but qualified as exercise.

As expected, is very cold this morning relatively speaking.

I recorded the first part of the Time speech which is a pretty incredible thing to be able to do..

The science appears even in the earliest peer review articles, but I did not have the overall understanding to put it all together.
For a couple of months this video peculated in my brain, now it is ready, as a first draft and after a fashion.

Here are some highlights from the video, why include them?  I don't know.  I'm also including some commentary which is not in the video.

For all recorded history, man has been fascinated by time.  Stonehenge, before recorded history was a calendar.  The obelisks of Egypt were used to track the hours of the day.  I didn't know this about the obelisks, should have known it.  I'm going to add it into the next edit of the book.

Time has always been mysterious, people have discussed moving back and forth in it, but no one, until AuT, knew what it was.  AuT explains why it only goes one way and what, exactly it is.
To understand time, you must first understand dimension.

There are three states of dimensional building that are pre-time and the preponderance of these pre-time elements in photons makes photons appear time free and the squeezing out of these elements makes black hole appear to be outside of time, but that is an illusion.

How do we know the AuT definition of time, as a stop frame animation set out in AuT is accurate?
First, time and space are interchangeable. Duh!  They have to be the same thing.
Second, the math of gravity and dimensional compression work.
We see the relevant compression in the form of the denominator of pi, we see the effects of spiral compression and decompression at every level of the universe, adding an unexpected degree of accuracy to Marcus Vetruvius' concept of man.

Gravity appears instantaneous and universally in range because it occurs in a pre-time state.
The dimensional changes giving rise to time occur in a pre-time environment without dimension which allows all points in the universe to change together based on a single variable x.

This is not included in the video but is a thing.  The suspected forces appear, as if by mathematical magic in the ratio of pi(-1) to pi(1) as 256:27; the former being the compression number and the later being the compression number for x-1.
Matching gravity to the energy mass conversion, not viewed as a force, but clearly something relevant.  Ct4-5 transitions correspond perfectly, the other forces, less so, although the involved transitional states offer explanations which are suggestive.
We also see it in the mass of a neutron to black hole and in the electron to the neutron.  Even the proton ends up being relatively easy to explain.

HERE'S THE VIDEO, 9 MINUTES ACCELERATED 1.25:1 because I respect your time and don't mind sounding like a drugged chipmonk.

(It ends with something akin to: Read any of the books for christ's sake); which doesn't necessarily explain time, but does show there are three pre-time states ct1-3; and the appearance (and disappearance with acceleration) of time corresponds perfectly with this model, photons being essentially ct4 transitional states that are mostly pre-time in makeup.

And this "closing argument":

More information on the math and results can be found in the audio and written books under the title Algorithm Universe, including an Audio Book on Amazon.  These do not include the advances after February of 2019; but the basic math and structure of the model are given in those books.
What are the ramifications of this new science?  What falls aside is the standard model and relativity, two casualties of approximation replaced by the certainty of AuT.

It affects everything from new information on the function of the atom up through all of chemistry and physics.  It allows us to view the past and the future in a new and more precise way.  It goes so far as to define our relationship with the gods that we have designed over the years and to glimpse into g-space and see how the universe functions in the province of god.
It doesn't just allow us to understand time, it allows us to potentially control all aspects of the universe.

Anyway, here is some Pre-AuT nonsense that I have to read...

Here's a guy who is working to do what AuT has already done.  I wonder what he'd think if he knew he was wasting his time?
Science News: Stephen Wolfram’s hypergraph project aims for a fundamental theory of physics.
One more idiotic story on someone theorizing what AuT has already determined, published and patented!  I will say this, at least he has the right idea, that Max Nathan already had, that AUT first put forth 7 years ago, but the right idea.

Here's a group of guys who are working to do what AuT has already done.  I wonder what he'd think if he knew he was wasting his time?
Here's a guy with a big magnet.

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