
Sunday, April 7, 2013

China, the peace-talker, mobilizes forces
For more information please read "China's Weaponized Economy" or "World War C" available from Amazon and other sources
What do the recent comments of China's new Primier and the mobilization adjacent to saber rattling North Korea tell us.
Given the dictates in "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu it tells us almost nothing.  The corrollary to "Appear weak when strong and strong when weak" is to "Talk peace when preparing for war, and talk war when preparing for peace".
An earlier blog "Arghhh WSJ" discusses this in some depth.  The bottom line is that whatever China says about peace and imports, their goal is to deplete their enemies' ability to conduct war by taking over the manufacturing which supports weapons of war for whatever long term purpose they would have (See WWC for one scenario). This includes emasculating the economies of their enemies to their own enrichment which the have done exceedingly well in the case of the United States, Western Europe and threaten to do to Russia and many of the Eastern countries.
There are two reasons for the mobilization discussed above.  On,e which the west repeatedly falls for, is to support China's southern border to allow them to repel a NKG attack (really, who is dumb enough to believe that can happen!  Even the Rand Corporation wouldn't buy that load of hokum-this is meant in jest, although the RC's failure to pick up on China's weaponized economy makes you wonder who is running things there-i.e. do they fail to pick it up or are they hiding it for some reason?).
The only obvious reason for this, is to prevent their puppet state (see earlier blog entry) from being overrun by a vengeful West (or South Korea).  One can almost see them flexing their muscle and "insisting" that hostilities be stopped to "protect our southern border" from possible spill over.  I am glad I had such a delicious omelet this morning (mushroom, green onion, mexican cheese and salsa) since the thought of this would otherwise turn my stomach.  The thought that might otherwise ruin my breakfast is that the west, and the USA congress in particular, would fall for such an obvious fabrication.

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