
Friday, April 5, 2013

(1) of (3) Weapons of creation-converting G space to T-space

As mentioned, if we are only manifestations (via gravity) of the tendency of time to return to G-space several things become self evident: (1) We can, as observed, affect time across long distance as well as move from wave to particle forms (since both are just reflections of gravity); (2) it is possible to go from O-space (or T space) to G space and it is possible (as every minute we experience shows) to go in a non-violent way from G space via project to T-Space; and (3) we are not even in T-space, but instead we are just a projection from G-space and (4) you can violently create T-Space from G-space in a fashion which is destructive to everything in T-Space.
One thing is not immediately evident which is why there are multiple fundamental particles, but that answer is cleverly and in retrospect, not surprisingly be a function of simple 3 dimensional geometry.
Sadly, this means that the Higgs Boson may or may not be necessary. It also means that our observations of fundamental particles is necessarily flawed unless there is a different structure to the universe.
I posit that we exist in G-space. If not, unless you can probe past T-Space to G-Space and then figure out how G-space (a singularity where everything happens at once and time is folded back into the fabric) exists you are really just sitting in a corner counting fleas, so to speak.
This is the reason why G-space is given that designation. Without a simple explanation of something so difficult to justify, difficult even if you accept our universe which is the projection over time of at least a part of G-space, that explanations of how our universe derives from the projection of G-space onto time is largely irrelevant. I refer back to the story of the blind men trying to identify the elephant (the one at the tail says it's a rope, the one at the leg-pillar, the one at the side-wall and the one at the trunk-snake) except that we are looking at the smallest part of the smallest hair on the tail until we can get past G-Space to what exists around and in addition to G-space and why G-space exists at all.
We have to come back to that, I'm afraid. The purpose for this entry is to touch on why there are multiple fundamental particles. As indicated above, the number determined by examination of "matter" and "energy" is fairly irrelevant (not from a physic point of view, but from the point of view of a more fundamental discussion of T-Space (a projection). We are, for example, as individual critically affected by matter and energy, but in G-space those are irrelevant considerations since they exist without the projection of time. You cannot be hit by something that cannot change position, so there is no threat from a weapon except to someone in T-Space and we're all experiencing life at least like we are in T-Space.
As a side note, anyone that wants to look at T-space and G-space can speculate that someone who was in G-space decided to throw out time and watch things happen and that individual in G-space would know everything that happened. Moreover, if that individual created G-space before throwing out time to watch things happen, would have actually made everything happen. For those of you who have a difficult time with this, think in terms of someone who makes a movie (knowing everything that is going to happen) and then projects it on a screen to watch it. It's fairly explicable if strange.

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