
Friday, April 12, 2013

How I won the war with the United States-Chapter 2

Hi Wang here.
What a scary time this is for me.
While you are sitting their comfortably reading on your Chinese phone (look on it, you'll find China's name somewhere, I assure you); I am forced to deal with the reality that China already dominates the United States in the only way that matters (manufacturing and economically) and that I am target number one for at least one person in China.
See anyone here is forfeit for a price.  The government can be bought to take me down even cheaper than the hired killer, but I am forfeit to both.  Before they get me, however, I will tell you my story, how I single handedly won the war between China and the United States.
I am going to explain how I got to this place and for those of you who cannot wait, I suggest reading "China's Weaponized Economy" to understand the past and reading "World War C" to see the future.  First, let me tell you why it was so easy to beat the United States.
The people of the United States are one dimensional.  All they see is one issue.  The are pro-abortion or anti-abortion.  They don't really care about reasons that might shift them from one position to the other.  They are pro they are con.  You might ask how I feel about abortion.  I don't know how I feel about abortion.  No one has taken the time to explain both sides and you cannot convince by being dogmatic, you lead by listening.
The people of the united states are for immigration, they are against immigration.  I presume that means that some are glad they are here and others want to turn the land back over to the buffallo (even the Indians immigrated from somewhere).  They don't ask, how can immigration make them stronger, how controls can make them stronger.  They don't even know the reasons for why they hate immigration and I was an immigrant.  Well, I was a spy, but I was a stranger in a strange land and I shared that common bond that refugees and immigrants have when they leave what is comfortable and what they love to move to another country (although most don't come with the express purpose of overthrowing the country).
The people of the united states are for television.  No, there is no one in the US who is against television.  You may use your video device besides your tv, but you would no-more work without going home to your tv than you would think of holding your breath till the next day.  The people of the US are for free time.  They do not understand the concept of working constantly to achieve a goal.
They have no focus, no concept of history, no long term planning and only care about money.  These are the tools I used to defeat them.
But i digress.

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