
Saturday, April 6, 2013

how I won the war with the united states Chapter 1 by B.G. Wang

Ah-So Chapter 1

Thanks to Mr. Greg for allowing me to use his blog to tell my story.

You might ask why I use his internet-diary for this purpose.  It is a fair question.

First let me say that I am hiding now from China.  For despite my success in representing my empire, I am persona non-grata in China and I will tell you why in due time.

Mr. Greg wrote "China's Weaponized Economy" and "World War C" so he has already disclosed the results of that war, so it does not hurt him for me to discuss this here.  He is already far past the harm I can do.  I will not claim credit for his work, but I will not deny playing a substantial part therein.  There it is, I am not as grateful as I should be.

I am BG Wang, but you can call me B.G. or just B.  I was born in a small village in China in 1960.

It was a strange place to be born, to you but to me it was home.  The exact village is not important.  It was a mountainous region and I grew up in communism at its most authoritarian.  People were routinely imprisoned or killed for acts of non-patriotism.  But this was not such a problem in our village.  We were far apart and that is part of the reason why my story begins there.

There was a deserter from the US military who had married a young woman from our village during World War II.  He taught at the school and insisted that we learn English and so early in life I began the study of English.  I sometimes imagine how different my life would have been if he had taught Russian instead.

Alas, my poor teacher and many who I loved were killed as a part of the Chinese government's program to overthrow the united states, but that would be many years in the future.

China in 1960 was a very populous country, but very primitive.  Our technologies were imported and we had to spend a lot of time keeping them up.  However, keep them up we did. Manufacture, albeit on a primitive level we did.  And we were a wise and industrious people.  We were an obedient people for through many generations those who did not obey died.  And we were a war-like people although our war-like tendencies were of a very devious nature as our history is of dynasties at war with one another and with the outside world.

Everything is my early life was good except for  a bully named Chow who becomes my step father and abandons me at a port in American.  That story will come later, and for now all the main characters in my early life are dead except for my "controller" who is corrupt with geisha girls and  opiates and alcohol and cigarettes and all of the other sins of the west.

My family is far beyond his reach now and I will not let that bloated turd take credit for my victory And you stupid Americans are already dead and for that matter so am I.

But this book is not about some future tragedy, it is about how I, single handedly, won the war with China...for China.  This war is about how I defeated the United States leaving China as the sole super power.

Next will be what I call Chapter 2.
B.G. Wang.

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