
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Origins and failings (alleged) of the hologram universe theory

The discussion you have been (not) following deals with an offshoot of the hologram theory of the universe.  A discussion of the early hologram theory (on which this part of the blog is based) is set out in some detail below.


This is conceived of as a "new model" sort of a 90's string theory.  This blog deals with some of its earlier origins, going back only as far as Einstein in any detail who first proposed the instant theory of the hologram uinverse (one where time-space existed which we know to be an exageration of time) was a combination of space and time which existed for limited purposes.
Modern hologram (from the nobel prize winner's perspective) largely harkens back to string theory because of the practical physicist's unwillingness to give up matter for matter's sake and space for space's sake.  This is entirely appropriate since we all keep track of time and occupy space.
The failings of the traditional hologram uinverse is that it forces dimension on g-space.  It separates black holes by large distances, in particular the "interior" of black holes.
The name "hologram" is misleading and is not used in a fashion that is consistent with anything but "projection" in classic hologram theory.
In this discussion, the projection theory is further emaciated.  Space and matter (and therefore energy) are rejected outright as parts of the perception of the universe, not to be confused with the actual universe which can only be observed at very small levels or very large levels.
Examples of large level observations are black holes, the big bang, the area immediately outside of the universe, etc. 
Examples of small are just very small things which have no actual size given the theory that all dimension comes from time, but this is a difference between traditional string theory-which says you shrink things down small enough (the plank length for example) and yoyucan't get any smaller and the universe as its actually observed which says that measurement is a function of time and therefore size doesn't exist at all except for time.
The relevance of this is that there need not be any minimum size in a hologram universe since dimension is only a function of time.  There is only the minimum amount of tendency to which time can attach itself.  This tendency at this very small level has no size at all (in theory) since size is a function of time.  Instead it is "action" oriented.  It is merely an event happening which is given shape by the addition of time and it's tendency to give up that time is gravity.

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