
Sunday, March 1, 2020

A sense of balance

Yesterday I had a pleasant walk then swam 2000 yards in an open pool, 1000 im, but only 200 ims which are nice back to back, but not as impressive as the 400 ims that I am coming down from after a couple of months in a more limited swim environment.

I am preparing to go to Idaho, a trip which will almost certainly involve psychological if not physical aspects of the corona virus.  Oh no, we're all going to die again.
Death is viewed so much more cleanly in the Illiad where everyone has a speech to make before they are killed and the violence and sex is relatively graphic; but the main thing is that they accept its inevitability.  I'm close to where hector is killed and dragged around the city, I remember that much.  For some reason I thought he killed Ajax first, but that appears unlikely from the current perspective.

AuT broke the code, and by that I mean figured out the hidden variables in hidden variable theory and normally in my posts I spend most of my article discussion pointing out how absurd current science is compared to AuT.  In this issue things won't change much, but I will point out a couple of articles which are worth some interest.
This is the "duh" article of the series whose only redemption is to show that AuT is right, a galaxy sized (or bigger) inflection point.  Enough said, read the books below for more info.
This piece of pre-aut crap (the source tells it all because they actually have aut in their archives) talks about why there is matter and the search for new physics (aka their ability to figure out that they already have a submission of the science or that they read it) discusses the misconception of anti-matter.  AuT describes why there is matter and antimatter by defining the nature of compression and decompression.
There is, however, a tiny ray of validity to the question if not the reasoning of these "stone age" physicists.
First, AuT clearly shows the absorption and spew, hence the ability albeit rare, of the neutron to spew higher ct states.  Normally the neutron (for reasons sadly only in the patents) spews pre time states that are not charge obvious, but which give rise to the strong force effect.  For more on this order the books.  What they are seeing here is the equivalent of a black hole spewing a star which also happens occasionally and for the same reason, lower ct states can push out orbiting/partially absorbed higher states that are otherwise trapped.  Don't worry, they will catch up in time and claim someone else invented it, but we're already way past that.
In another place, they are talking about why fpix, a much better question.  There is some chick and egg thought here because the count naturally gives rise to fseries which may mean that there is some count pressure for fpix to exist to give rise to fseries or even from fseries before fpix.  It is a complex analysis, not complicated complex, but logically following a Stygian knot which I have sought, sadly, to most cut through like the doomed, young king Alexander.  There is a why there and a question on the existence of those things that exist without time which brings us to the next and final article to be discussed.

And finally another "just plain wrong" article which shows the importance of AuT.

This article discusses the "superposition of states, with, for example, a 50% chance of being oriented "up" and a 50% chance of being oriented "down."" which is not a thing because like the top article they are merely in a state of compression or decompression and because there is a net effect in a system, like the large big bang system, they have a greater tendency in one direction or another, the average being a schrodinger approximation, an cat which is viewed only from a distance sleeping, is it alive or dead or both at once?  It's just asleep, but soon it will awake towards compression or decompression it matters not except in the AuT interpretation.

The article incorrectly states "quantum particles can be created in states that always correspond to one another — so if one shows an "up" orientation, the other will be "down" — a phenomenon that Schrödinger called entanglement." which is more non-sense, but is important because in aut there is a new feature that has been discovered, covered in patents only (sadly so you will not see it here) which explains this phenomena in a much better fashion.

Alas, the sadness that the failure to accept my work means it remains hidden from you.
A tear forms in my eyes, alas babylon.

Not enough?  Get educated:

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