
Friday, August 3, 2012

War With China

War with China has gone some way; the theme being that they captured our manufacturing.  There is a great deal of blame laid at our system.   The increase in protests on the economy are better directed than this book, but perhaps they are missing the depth of focus that would allow something to be accomplished in the protests.
It should be noted that some of the most important issues and solutions come from other people’s observations.  Some have even risen to the level of becoming the substance of separate books which may or may not be available at the time you read this.  It is also significant that while solutions are suggested in this book, blank pages using the solutions provided as exemplary or setting out how to implement them would make this more relevant.
Now the equipment of world dominance is gone, loaded on boats which set sail long before congress or business or the general public woke up.  The courts and congress have lost jurisdiction long before any relevant action could be taken. That the same thing had happened around the country surprises no one today but everyone is surprised that our government and industry allowed this to happen without a discussion of the results..  
One original theme was that this was a war and that it was a studied and systematic undertaking, at least at some point.  The final thing taken, is not gone yet but will go with the money and the technology.  It is the schools where the scholarly, soothing catchphrases which calmed a nervous population originated.  Instead of screaming warnings, there were platitudes because the intelligence did not go out far enough.  There was no lack of wisdom, no lack of learning, just too much focus on one area of study, too short term an analysis within that area of study.  Perhaps the moral is that every writing of macro economics should have a section dedicated to the effect on war and extremely long term intelligence or even medium or short term intelligence.  This is a section of this essay, what is the difference between long term and short intelligence and immediate intelligence.

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