
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why there is rgb matter in T-space

merely merily merely?  Life is but a dream-time is the stuff dreams are made of.
Quantum Tunneling in the hologram universe:
This is a work in progress...
T-matter is time or tendency matter as used in this blog. T space is time space.  RGB is merely the designation given to the fact that matter comes in multiple varieties (multiple strings if you go that way, quarks and the like if you are more into fundamental particles, neither being a proper designation since matter and energy are only manifestations of a tendency to return from t-space to g-space.
Matter and energy are different methods of display and hence may have different tendencies but both must is some fashion be a tendency to return from time to the hologram universe under this conceptual framework.
Matter is displayed along three axis, that is there are tendencies to return to the singularity manifested in time along three dimensions; which do not exist except as movement along time.  Time is not the fourth dimension, it is entirely separate and is the thing on which the three dimensions take shape.  Each element or quantum of t-matter has its own time in one version of this universe and this time allows it to be observed along three dimensions.
Light has its own time, but its time is such that it can move between the times of different quanta of matter.  Radiations that move at light speed show this quality.  In addition the manifestation of the return to the singularity (gravity) is an additive quality that travels at a similar speed and is combinable as quantum of time are joined with the increase in matter.
In fact, gravity is such a powerful force of tendency that it pulls light radiation bending and defracting it which supports the theory that light time also has the tendency to return to the singularity; light being pulled into a black hole is pulled back to the singularity.  Radiation escaping from gravity shows an anti-tendency; it is carried in time despite the fact that all matter and therefore energy is a reflection of the tendency to escape time back to the singularity; but if reduced to a form which has no mass, it would have less tendency suggesting, for the next blog, a tendency to stick to time or travel within time.

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