
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

matter and anti-matter in hologram

I am trying to fill in space until I get the type of response I decide is sufficient to discuss faster than light travel (apparent).  That may never happen, which is a disappointment, but only to me. 
So in keeping with the time/tendency universe, it's time to discuss matter (tendency) and anti-matter (still tendency, but a tendency of a different, shall we say phase?)
Why must anti-matter be a tendency?  Because otherwise it would be within the hologram.  Somehow when matter and anti-matter come together, it returns to the hologram loses dimension so that it becomes what is suspected to be dark matter.
The idea of anti-matter "destroying" matter when they combine is a very materialistic concept.  It requires that we conceptualize the universe as other than tendencies removed by time from a singularity which we'll reject outright for purposes of this discussion.  Destruction of matter is not probable.
The universal drama we have derives from time, so there is also the possibility that instead of anti-matter, it is matter with anti-time.
This will require more attention, but it does not change things, the existence of apparent faster than light travel and the discussion of it which may or may not follow-see challenge; remains a consistent part of the hologram approach and since the addition of time to the hologram yields dimension and since matter and energy (and by extension anti-matter and anti-energy if existent) are in the dimensioned universe, they must have time.
If there are multiple universes, at least two, they may exist in the same space separated by phased time.  When they come together they may phase into another uinverse.  The tendency to be at point a1, the tendency to be at point a2 where a1 is a uinverse defined by time 1 and a2 is a universe spot defined by time 2.  when the two times meet they go to time a3.
The idea of multiple times is actually explanatory of the hologram universe.  There may be 3 times for every bit of matter within the hologram universe, one to define each dimension.  Anti-matter may have a fourth time and that fourth time when combined with the other three may take matter to a place we cannot obsesrve it easily.  But it woudl still be from the same singularity and to the extent it has gravity, it still has the tendency to return there.
More on this later.

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