
Friday, February 17, 2017

AuT pp Grant14 (thru pp25)

We've passed the halfway mark in the nutshell series.  I hope you're enjoying this and I invite you to download what you want, but why not buy the book, the edited version of the craziness of the real universe?

I know you are reading this for the physics, but before it became mainstream, I discussedd in a publication the way that china had weaponized their economy.
However, there's more.  It also covers the issue of term limits which might be the thing that could limit corruption in the country.
It's a studied read and some of it probably appears here.
Now that's all pretty deep.  Physics, geopolitics, term limits.  But I also put up a post about science fiction and I'm thinking I may put some excerpts from my romance novel series.

Ok, enough of all of that.  Over half way through this section.  Keep those comments coming, or start them coming, whatever.

24.      There is no one Big Bang: A big bang is merely the change from 51% compressed to 51% (1 quantum more than 50%) decompressed where compression refers to alignment of state and/or alignment of overlap for a given solution of x towards overlap or away from overlap.  The expansion of the universe is driven by this solution as will the ultimate compression before the next expansion state.  The point of change from an expanding to a compressing universe is nothing more than the average inflection point for linear offset intersecting spirals solved as moving away from or towards one another. This suggests decompression/expansion would decrease from the initial high speed before dropping eventually to a non-expansion at an inflection point. 

25.      The 90 degree turns of the intersecting F-series linear spiral model can also be defined in terms of numeric solution.  It remains possible that there are compression and decompression states only, a vibrational system instead of an intersecting spiral model although the net result is the same.  The initial model for intersecting positive and negative spirals is suggested by the converging nature of pi, compression, decompression and possibly parallel states although parallel states are not observed for offset intersecting spirals.  The model suggests “Overlap” occurs during every 2nd F-series solution, an odd/neutral/even analysis also supported by the origin model for information theory. This eliminates the dimensional model and allows a solution to pi only based on the total amount of information. That is, instead of solving for some “irrational pi infinite converging series,” the solution is based on the quantum amount of information.

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