
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

AuT pp Grant15 (thru pp28)

2700 yards last night, hard to believe, considering how I felt how cold I was.  Today has dawned rainy.
I have been busy, perhaps too busy lately.  I'm not sleeping right now, a little too displaced, a little too much going on.
You have to focus your time on things and I'm not focused.
Why do things appear solid is addressed in the book, but it all beings in how information is presented in a complicated fashion.
I did, however, tonight finish a book I started 50 years ago.  I do have to read through it one more time, but I finished and I am happy that it only lacks matters of form.  Notes on Venus.  You hopefully will be able to buy in March 10.  Start saving now.
Now I can get back to my next physics book and porn.

26.      The complexity of the universe arises from compression states and from the individual spirals being out of alignment.   At inflection points compression and anti-gravity features, if any, change to discharge, decompression and entropy.; but the underlying super order remains.
27.      Our place in the universe appears to be 12 billion years after the end of the last large overlap and subsequent inflection point (the so called big bang) and therefore we exist during the decompression stage, but there are isolated overlapping compression and decompressing states throughout the universe at all times whether during a net (or main) compression or net (or main) decompression stage of the primary spiral or spirals leading to a big-bang type event.  This is observed e.g. by fission or fusion at the CT3-4 interface.
a.       The concept of a year can only exist as a relative time state so it is not directly related to the value of x.

28.       A big smash precedes each big bang as the average of spiral interactions yields a net collision state or compression state of spirals at an inflection point.  In this type of universe, it is unlikely all the stars ever go out once they are formed, many are forming and many are going out during the lengthy process.  Just as we exist now in a ct5 state, it is likely that in a more massive, longer run universe other people or our descendants (unlikely) will live as ct4 entities in ct 6,7, 8 and higher universes.  The idea of a singularity at each pre-big bang inflection point is contraindicated.

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