
Sunday, February 19, 2017

The failure of democrat-cy

Anyone who talks with me knows what I'm about to say already, so you can stop reading.
Those of you who want to know about the mysteries of physics should just go out and buy my book already, but I'll get back to that.

Today's post will be about politics

I'm not "worried" today about the politicians in office because I just finished reading Hamilton and apparently this country has always been disfunctional.  What a relief.
Trump isn't the first insane leaning president who spent more time on vacation than working (Adams?) What a relief.
I might agree that this rises to the level of a 4 year constitutional crisis, but the the real crises lies in how the country reacts.  Polarization is really not the issue.

The destruction of the "obvious environment" is a pretty good example of why this rises to a crisis.  I think you can take global warming either way.  It isn't that "climate change" doesn't exist.  We should prepare for climate change like we should prepare for a meteor impact.  We can and therefore we should work towards dealing with these problems.  Unlike many, I'm not as worried about global warming as I am about global cooling.  As an intelligent species I think we have a chance of surviving significant 2 or 3 degree global warming.  I think the equally likely global cooling will kill us all.  A single supervolcano eruption, inevitable, or a meteor impact, less inevitable, will do the trick and we're all dead.  Doesn't mean we want to ignore the other side of climate change, just means it less of a crisis than the pollution of our rivers and soil.  The Roman with their lead based water system learned this the hard way.  I suppose we will also.

Anyway, this isn't about any of that.

Trump is a gift to the democrats which they are, must I say it, too prejudiced to take advantage of.  They are taking the republican bate and moving to the left.  What's wrong with that?
The democrats have been offered the center.  They won't take it.  It's so obvious, it's like a pie in the face, but the democratic party will, instead move to the left.
Complete open boarders?  Tolerance of religions of conquest? Artificially high minimum wages?  Free healthcare for everyone?  Environment over business? Individual Freedom...or is it over regulation that we really love?
Some of these are good ideas (healthcare without the insurance industry taking the biggest cut isn't a terrible idea) you can take any of these too far.
You need to protect the american technology and in order to do that you have to protect the jobs.  The next war won't be won by whoever has the biggest ships, but instead by whoever has the smallest drones and the smartest computers and for now, all that technology has been given, for christ's sake-given!, to the Chinese.Bīngbáo kǎisǎ tóngzhì.
There is a middle ground, the middle.
Well these are all conceptually interesting ideas; but they are left wing.  The left is the left, the right is the right, but elections are won in the middle.  The middle is not left or right.
What is a middle platform?
Roe vs Wade.  That's the middle.  Women's bodies are sort of their own.  Hey, don't blame me, I wasn't on the supreme court.
I think all the regs ought to be subject to automatic cancellation (including tax code) unless the congress reasserts them.  I'm not sure this is left or right, but the cfr is too long.

The youth want socialism, as if that ever worked.  I think we should remember that only greed really motivates people.  Sure, I'm altruistic and I give away my physics, but in the end isn't it all about selling books and giving lectures or at least winning the nobel prize?  But putting aside the practicality of it, if you really want to win you have to give up your far left ideals, not because they don't work, but because you need to take the middle to win.
Trump can take whatever he wants because he doesn't have an (sane) agenda, but the Republican party has offered the middle on a silver platter to whoever wants to take it.  And the Democrats, that conglomeration of mush that is everyone else in America (besides those like me who don't give damn and the right wing Republicans who seem to care too much about stupid things, the other republicans want the middle ground too) instead of jumping to the middle, keep moving farther to the left.

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