
Friday, October 25, 2019


I am getting fat again, despite exercising and that despite the tropical weather
that has come up from mexico to haunt my week with visions of the past
hot nights in Monterrey or across the border in Tijuana; 30 foot tall banana trees and saddleback mountains
beautiful mexicans and old hotels.

Anyway, it is night, I just finished 25 minutes on the treadmill and three sets of weights after a bikeride
you could only understand if I told you about it, because it was, after all for you.

Even with all of that I seem to be getting fat again.

The week has ended. Still...
No word from the editors of APS.  Of course I expect them to ignore this.  
They ignored the articles, which MIT accidentally proved correct in every respect
I am so far ahead of everyone, it is no wonder they cannot see me
Just as many conceited people have a hard time admitting they are wrong (hand raised) 
so too do institutions they inhabit and control.
I do not wish a pox on them, but I hope they will find the wisdom to admit that there were mired in darkness
even as I held a light in their faces.
I wrote today somewhere else, that my work was true science fiction, the math of the foundation series
by asimov, the faster than light of star trek and star wars.  I really am all of that.

One of the great things about being in front of everyone else is that you can look behind you...
 and see the entire field of endeavor...and weep for it
So is the state of those to whom we entrust our information 
and such is the challenge faced by those like me who are true pioneers 
and not merely staring at the ocean thinking that the world is flat 
or fearful that knowing it is round it is beyond the capabilities of men.

This article covers a couple of different things, 
there is a link to the existence of some sort of material that "amazing" contains qubit features.  
Of course AuT shows how all things are made up of states that contain qubits 
because of the co-existence of dimensional states, but its nice to see people at major universities catching up.
trying to catch up

Inverse: Quantum computing may be closer than expected with ‘game changer’ discovery.

This is a set of disclosure that AuT has long since left behind in the trail of patents.

What is next.

I had to wonder that today, as the tornado sirens moaned over and over again
Air-raid sounds
And wondered how I could be so wise and yet so foolish
You may think I am wrong in my attitude,
You may think I am wrong in my science (in which case you are a horses behind)
And you may even think I am wrong for you, now.
Even though I am far ahead of everyone else, yet somehow there are people in front of me.

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