
Monday, July 11, 2016

AuT Confusion, the wizard of oz and floating cars

The physicist scarecrow  approached the wizard of oz and asked "What do you have in that bag for me?"
And the wizard responded, "Why Physicists have been solving the problems of the universe for years and with no more brains than you have scarecrow.  But they have something you haven't got!"
"What is that?" Dorothy asks.
" A 72 inch by 46inch chalk board, of course." And with that the wizard of oz pulled a gift certificate out for a large sized dry erase board because that seems like it will work better.

While AuT is solid conceptually, some of the equations I have been working on need some work.
This isn't because the concept is wrong, it is only because I can write these out better now that I know what is going on but I've run out of space.
I need a bigger chalk board.

The reason is to clarify, primarily, this very rough equation:

P1=gsin(pi/2x)(xFsereiesFunction)^2^x + (neg)P1 
and this very rough equation:
(base Fseries function)^2^number of the clock time state) 

What this equation has to do is the following:
1) Control Inflection point  changes (hence (FsF)pi/2x) according to F series.  That is, there has to be inflection point changes at 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc).  In other words, x changes from 2 to 3, 3 to 5, 5 to 8, 8 to 13, etc before there is an inflection of pi/2. The suggestion here is that space goes from 0,1,1 and then back to 0 this transition back to zero presumably giving rise to the appearance of quantum gravity.  
Another great feature is that since both photons and wave energy share the common 1 state (something unique to this transition as far as the higher states go) there is a mechanism for photons and waves to share a common state which is observed.
Photons would go from 1,1,2 and then back to 1, wave energy from 1,2,3 and then back to 1, etc.  Another suggestion of the math of Fibrucci series is that space is 0,1,1, photons 11,11,22, energy 111,222,333, matter 2222,3333,5555 which is not a totally satisfying result even though the exponential nature of compression is preserved.  
This means that the F-series never, in our universe goes out very far.  This is a troubling concept for me.  A very large solution to the F-series is more satisfying because the larger numbers of the F-series suggests a longer period of stability.  The other problem is one of "over-stability" where the ct4 states, for example, that we experience stay at 2,3,5 and back to 2 which doesn't immediately suggest a mechanism for breaking down as is observed.  The argument is that there is too much or too little symmetry which is broken up if the F-series is allowed to grow.  The "life-span" F-series works better if each state continues to increase and where the highest F-series number for the first spiral is x which would given that spiral extremely long periods of stability, such is observed in space and smaller spirals have much shorter life spans.  While such a model works well for space, matter and energy in a gross state universe, it might or might not work as well with black holes which would have the shortest spirals.  However, if we look at quasar type radiation as the break down of black holes, then maybe we do observe this phenomena.  These two ways of approach stability have to solved separately to see which one works the best.
Hence, an unresolved problem is that the universe has photons and waves going back and forth, matter and energy going back and forth and even black holes and matter going back and forth.  Since these inflection changes do not happen except at sufficiently high concentration, The Equation must also:
2) Control F-series definitions for each quantum point so that the point does not change states except in concentrations sufficient to take it to the next higher state.
                Ct1=space=2^2^1  (This suggests that space arises from 0,1,1 which is the first possible "base" solution.  There is a prior solution state that exists in the absence of pi offsets.  The prior base state is a state defined with the base  -1,0,1 which is 0^2^0 or 0^1 which is still zero.  This bizarre proof is actually the proof in the mathematical pudding for the entire compression state phenomena, once you get below the information state for space, you have a singularity, just as predicted.  Anyone who doesn't see this as genius, has completely missed the balloon to oz.
                Ct2=photonic energy=3^2^2
                Ct3=wave energy=5^2^3
                Ct4=matter=10^2^4 (e=mc^2)
                Ct5=black hole=16^2^5
Or, put another way, (base Fseries function)^2^number of the clock time state) for compression from one state to the next.  That is the scale is based on the prior ct state and not on the original ct state.  Put another way for wave energy there are 5^2^3 photons per quantum state of wave energy in terms of scale.
In this way, you want see even the possibility of ct2 until you have x=3^4.  Likewise you won't have the possibility of wave energy until you have 5^8 photons each of which requires 3^4 space informational states so that x=390625^81=a very large number and that number would only allow for a single wave to form in a stable format and it would instantly begin to break down.  Or maybe it's 390625*81, I'll figure it out if I ever get a chalkboard.
3) It must also be remembered that as x increase this equation must allow for the changes in the value of pi (see the earlier post on this) to allow for the offset of information so negative and positive information don't cancel each other out..  Of course by the time you get to even a single photon you are going out 3^4 or 81 places, the curvature when a single wave is possible is enormous, but any one spiral remains linear since all of these turns are essentially at right angles relatively quickly.
Even without getting to the other features of the universe, it can be seen that this is a fairly simple equation with complex undertones, hence the need for a fairly large chalkboard to write it out.
4) The equation has to define a single point by both a positive and a negative aspect so that it can be defined as being solved away from its partner (entropy generated as a solution) or towards its partner (gravity generated).  Note that in this case, entropy is anti-gravity, nothing more.  While this does not mean that we can have floating cars, it also doesn't mean that we cannot.  To do this, we merely need to have at the location of the vehicle an isolated average inflection point.
5) The equation has to define how the universe builds with different solutions to pi for each point but still allowing for history to be preserved by adding two prior states to the current state while at the same time providing for at least 3 dimensions.  Time isn't a problem since time is nothing more than the changing value of the single variable and the perception of time nothing more than having the prior two states incorporated in the current state.
6) It must provide a mechanism for perceived separation of quantum points, why some seem to be close together and others seem to be far apart and
7) It must explain why adjacent quantum points of different states give rise to the illusion of force when perceived as adjacent based on the historical 2 prior states forming the current state as the basis for perceived change.

I am confused by my own equations, I see where they are going, but I forget the point I made.  Mr Wizard, is there a larger dry erase board in my future?

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