
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Aut Trumps Einstein

Yes, I'm going to say that I'm pretty far ahead of Einstein.  Not his fault really, I had the benefit of his information and a lot that came after him.  Plus, I was shown the universe, as you well know and how that came to pass and whenever, the more painfully, the more intensely, I am reminded of that, the suffering is accompanied by a renewed vision.  It is perhaps punishment for looking where man was not meant to look, but I was tricked to some extent and forced to look, by passions that were used against me.  So I have seen things no other man has seen because I was shown what no man should see, heaven and hell, but it allowed me to look beyond all your mortal science.
But you disagree, perhaps.  If so, and if you've read the book, you'll know this:
Einstein said space was curved, AuT explained why it was curved.
Einstein determined e-mc^2, Aut Explained why and showed how this equation fit in with other phenomena
Einstein didn't really see the big bang, but he wrestled with finding a uniform field theory and while AuT describes all the forces and their inter-relationship, but we're about to go into that more deeply still.
AuT is clearly a superior method for study, but let's go one step further.
You  should review the prior two posts because we're going to begin here putting them together.
First, however, we're going to give the basic concept for the building of forces  using pure algorithm theory.
1,1,1 to 2222,3333,5555 involves a scale of combination of space to matter on the scale of 10^16 at least.  A middle range, not the most, it is 2^3^5^10^16.  We'll come back to that.
The number of possible overlaps gives rise a a huge number of different scales of force and types of forces that we experience.
We're going to begin the analysis using the larger number because what we're looking at is the amount of space involved in compression, the decompression that we see (10^16 in scale terms) is only the breakdown from matter to energy, but it is almost certainly also a part of other conversions, not because it has to be, but because the spiral methodology suggests that result in an unstable environment.
But interactions occur between different ct states in stable environments and these interactions result in vibrational, energy, molecular and gravitational forces and this is only possible in a quantum universe by having the AuT model where different prior time states are the foundation for subsequent time states as we've already shown (you can see the book for this)
This is what we're going to examine because "the interaction of different states gives rise to what we call forces and these interactions involve the different ways that different states interact over three different quantum time periods."
This last statement is the beginnings of the discussion of how forces arise from the AuT model of history and stable state comperssion and decompression and is where this will end for tonight.

And why do I see more than anyone else, you know why, it is because of a cruelty that I need someone else to express better than me.

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