
Monday, July 25, 2016

The changing face of AuT part tres

Before launching into a discussion of each of the features of AuT that has changed, it is worth discussing how important the changes are to the theory, both as a positive and a negative feature.
It might be said that the initial concepts embodied in EHT are completely lost in AuT and that is not entirely incorrect.  The problem with EHT is it clung too tightly to prior theories.  It's very name combined Einstein and Hologram theory, both of which continue to have merit, although only Einstein had practical application.
The problem is that both of those remained locked in concepts which did not stand up to scruitiny when math was applied to them together.  They broke down.  There is a great deal of observation that withstands the scrutiny of AuT as well it should if AuT is to withstand scrutiny.  But the theoretical underpinnings of explanations broke down quickly.
And that is why there is a theory where all coordinates have to change at the same rate because they all change to a single variable.
That is why we are able to look past what old theories identified as forces and see that all of those forces were merely shadows reflected from the mathematics which took away the false power that they held over other theories, the theories which can all be identified as "pre-aut" mathematics.
That is why we can solve so many previously unsolved anomalies in observed physics because AUT looks beyond observation and explains those, not just black holes, not just unifying all states of information (space-black holes) but even cracked the question of the big bang open so wide that it becomes a small piece of the bigger universe that AuT explains so completely.
That is why it is possible to come up with algorithms that fit into a model that provides this type of solution.
It is why dimension and time can be eliminated in favor a solution and why with such a bizarre result, we can still see why the solid universe works because quantum changes occur at 10-39th of a second.
It shows why space can exist outside of the model by higher states by going from non-linear to linear solutions within the model (0,1,1,0 in the suggested model).
And even though the model is simple it shows how staggering of solutions provides the necessary complexity observed and why randomness and history can exist in a quantum environment.
And without any support from the "greater" scientific community or any government, although I'm open to proposals, especially places with scenic views from the scientific centers.

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