
Saturday, July 16, 2016

I have been largely distracted from this, but I have been working from the blackboard.  i need a third blackboard already, but I'm not putting one up today.  I am dealing with one emergency after another and I have not been able to sit down and work consistently on anything other than dealing with emergencies.
I am writing this sitting outside in a world which seems like it will wash away with all the rain that has fallen.  Yesterday it wasn't even supposed to rain, but the roads were flooded in places.
There isn't much physics in this.  I have not made the kind of quantum leaps that are reflected in the last 5 or 10 posts and those are "mostly" shown in the last published volume.
My plan continues to be to have a comprehensive, if basic, formula for the "universe equation" in the next published volume.  Right now it is in pieces and words and is not totally satisfying.  All the parts are there, but exactly how they fit together and the formulas that have to substitute for the words remain unclear.
The biggest impediment  might be problems with using a base 10 system which complicates the solutions unnecessarily and is inherent in a coordinate based system.  Another problem is scale.  Quantum scales to observable so slowly that it is difficult to test anything past the bulk changes.
The concept remains so reliable, despite these problems, so predictive and descriptive of so many different concepts that it has to be right as much as anything according to the scientific method is right and perhaps I'll have the time for this in the near future.

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