
Friday, July 21, 2017

aut-book 4: compression and curvature

The heat is unbearable.  Early this morning, before the sun came up I went out and was bathed in it.  Last night I walked out into it after exercising and the gentle breeze provided no comfort, the air was hot moving in and out of my lungs.  The water outside still have an element of coolness, but at 71% it is uncomfortably cold to start swimming and now it is at 86 degrees, a cool bath.  Pools drink chlorine in this environment.
Change your air conditioner filters, the units are working hard this time of year and need whatever break they can get.

Pi is not something that exists, it is something that arises from a non-linear solution.
-1 conv vib don't change
summed to converg f(pix) pi for ac2
-1^x x-1 2x(-1)^x-1 f(pluspix) % change n/f(pluspix) n+n/fx n/(n+n/fx) 4
1.00 1.00 -4 -3.00 -1.333333333 2.666666667 1.5 2.666666667
-1.00 2.00 6 5.00 -1.67 0.8 4.8 0.833333333 3.466666667
1.00 3.00 -8 -7.00 -1.40 -0.571428571 3.428571429 1.166666667 2.895238095
-1.00 4.00 10 9.00 -1.29 0.444444444 4.444444444 0.9 3.33968254
The importance of breaking pi into its constituent parts is because we see the universe as only a positive element, because it is solved as only a positive element.  However, in building the universe to the point of observation, pi begins with a unit which we’ve called 0’ which has both a positive and a negative element potential.  To understand this we have to examine what is positive and what is negative.
Since we live in a mirror, we know that what we see is backwards, so the first point we have to accept is that the true basis of reality is a negative, which is defined as a state (0’) which can be either positive or negative in terms of linearity.  The exact math in this time/dimension independent environment allows us to recognize that -1^x is merely the only way that we can manipulate this environment but what it really says is that there is a regularity to how 0’ expresses itself in the algorithm that underlines the universe.  This demands that the algorithm we are coming up with is not just a math equation, but has some alternate durable form in g-space.

The next few chapters will discuss how this new vision of -1^x affects what we observe and how we get to the geo function from this solution.
Hidden in the equations for AuT is the source of the inflection points.
conv vib
summed to converg
-1^x n/f(pluspix) n+n/fx
1.00 -1.333333333 2.666666667
-1.00 0.8 4.8
1.00 -0.571428571 3.428571429
-1.00 0.444444444 4.444444444
We start our inquiry with only three columns and we could cut this down further but next let's look at curvature from a different angle, the sin equation:
The Sin Equation
            If the spirals are only offset by solution order at higher ct states (ct2,3,4,etc) then you have a resting phase built into spiral solutions that are not built into vibrational models, but this can be made up where ct1 spacing takes the place of the rest phase of the spirals.
            This relationship is related to how sinx is calculated: (x=angle in radians)
            Siny=y-(y^3)/3!+(y^5)/5!)-(y^7)/7!+… or
            Sum (0, max n) [(-1)^n/(2n+1)!]y^(2n+1)
So for this equation when defining pi, it is essentially fixed, but not exactly fixed for high values of x.
Converting radians to degrees gives some interest results but neither provides a non-specific result for quantum points.
In looking a this equation it is important to note that radians requires a value for pi, but pi is calculable for any value of x, at least in theory.
This equation for sin shows that both of these results have effectively the same operative features:
     1)       (-1)^n is present for both pi and for sin so it can, in theory be removed easily 
     2)      2x(-1)^(x-1) is partially mirrored mathematically by y^(2n+1).  The between these two lies in the additional variable y which to some extent is mirrored by the numerator variable of pi and the two are related to some small extent which we will get to shortly.
     3)      (2n+1)! Is mirrored by n+n/fx=n(1+1/fx) where f(x) is derived -1^x so that the relationship is 1+n to 1+ 1/f(-1)^n.
        The reason for pointing out these relationships is not because of the identity of the equations.  If you are looking for a solution to a pi based (radians) angle you are going to get to a related solution.  Instead the reason is because the key equations are used in the algorithm to define curvature, to derive curvature from non-dimensional space by applying a comparative algorithm to the solution.
            This comparative solution describes the addition of multiple places of necessity (going from 1 to 11 to 111).
            So we have one more derivation to go.  How do you get multiple dimensions to change at once.  This requires an examination of the f-series.
            In base 10 this looks like this:
            1*10+1=11.  1*100+1*10+1=111 and so on to infinity or
            Using n for 1 we get
            N+n*10^n-1+n*10^2n…=n(1+10^n+10^2n…).  The part in parenthesis mirrors, of necessity the factorial part of pi or sin so, for example, it is the equivalent of (2n+1)!
            The universe does not, however have base numbers so we have
            n(1+y^n+y^2n….)  Another way to write this is: n+[y^(n+1)!] which is surprisingly similar to this portion of the sin function [(-1)^n/(2n+1)!].  Y, of course, varies with F(x) which is also 2(f(x)) or 2 times the Fibonacci number.  Y is merely a substitution for a non-base number which varies according to the solution order relative to other similar states.  Since you need 256 ct1 states to make a ct2 state, the solution suggests that 11, the dimensional state of ct2 corresponds to a base value of y=f(n)=4 and n corresponds to 2^n for n=4.
             We will explore these relationships to arrive at the interface between curvature and compression, the final piece of Algorithm Universe Theory.

            This result, a tautology for all intents and purposes, ties curvature more or less directly to compression states and suggests that a growing curvature correlates in a growing compression state which is observed.

book 3 ready

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