
Monday, July 17, 2017

AuT-Publication Day 7/17/17

It is no coincidence that the book is being finished on such an auspicious date.  Instead it is a reflection of a universe where, if I were funded with a million dollars, I could pick next week's lottery numbers.  Really?  I'm not sure but it sounds good.

I've looked at book 3 and it could use another edit, but in the interest of getting it published I'm moving ahead with the one edit.

Perhaps the most interesting part is that in defining the origin of pi an din looking at the equations of curvature, there is a decided move away from intersecting spirals and towards solutions that are independent of the spiral mathematics and instead come from the baseline of spiral mathematics.

The portions that seem to have survived are positive and negative elements and an evolving definition of curvature that comes from what is called F(pix) from the pi equation.
Euler's number ((1+1/n)^n has survived, but as much because it defines a 100% growth yielding a certain type of curve and the suggestion of a fixed rate of growth in AuT is contraindicated both by the surviving parts of the F-series and scale changes that occur at different points in compression suggesting, perhaps, that at ct5 you'd have a different logarithmic result.
The idea that we are compounding information at 100% is not indicated, we are compounding at 161% (e^1.61 or 1.61 % rate times every instant) so we're going to see a different base logarithmic scale which is where we'll start book 4.
The scale of fundamental forces requires we look at the opposite to get where we are at and it is still unsatisfying for many reasons.
This comes from

Strong force: strength 1 range 10^-15 (according to AuT compressed Ct4/electron)
Weak: 10^-6 Range 10^-18 (according to AuT-compressed photon)
Electro-mag 1/137 range infinite (photon)
Gravity 6x10^-39th range infinite

Of course if you reverse the order, you get the scale expected for the strong force, sort of, because compression changes things and 10^39th is only an approximation of the expected result (using base 10) for compression (F(n)^(2^n))
n=2 256
1x10^16 (e=mc^2)
3.4x10^38 (where we expect to see ct5 compression and from where we hope the strong nuclear force arises in terms of scale)
3.6x10^90 An unobserved force/compression state that may exist in the presence or resulting from ct6 and which may play a role in massive black holes which would, in turn, suggest a ct6 state at the "center" of the universe.


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