
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Aut-Gravity, light, magnetic, strong&weak forces and Ozmonides

This post includes the incorporation of book 2 into book 3.  Oddly, I am simultaneously editing book 3 of the romance series.  Just a coincidence I suppose.  I am closer to the end of the rough draft of that book.
The pre-AuT physicists, those still clinging to their bozons like so many baby rattles are yelling, but if your theory is right, then all forces must act largely the same, realizing even as the words leave their mouths that just as magnetism pulls together, so does gravity.  Just as thermal energy vibrates and separates matter, so does fusion bring together.  The truth, striking as it should not be, is that we have forever looked at the universe from the point of view of a reflection.  Distance and force of effect are more due to the concentrations required than any real distance.  Gravity doesn't fade over distance because it works on a non-dimensional level.  Space time is irrelevant to ct1 substitution.  As the forces get more dense, of necessity their effect is more narrow because they require more concentration.  Hence, the ct5 related effect (because force is a misnomer) occurs only at the nucleus level because it requries a concentration of exchange that cannot occur outside of that concentration of ct4 states.

This explains the difference between the weak and electromagnetic force as one of concentration of exchange rather than of a difference in the force itself.  Likewise, the range of ct2 forces, electromagnetic, is see as having a great range because of the speed of light exchanges of ct1 states, 1:256 even though it is decidedly slower than the relatively infinite exchange at the ct1 level.  At the compressed stage of the weak force, this same exchange rate is occurring and the pre-aut physicist cries in alarm, but it is misplaced, because the real difference because of the concentration of results, is that the ct states are more interchanged with wavelike structure and less so with free ct1 states that result in the straight line velocity.  This is a relative solution rate caused by the F-series concentration (1,11,111,etc) represented as the relative number of changes occuring together which gives the appearance of space time even though individual changes all occur at the same rate, at least in theory.

I am the better physicist for having figured out super-symmetry; but in doing so I render it meaningless.  while I understand the universe perfectly, it controls me more than any of my readers.  I see exactly what I want just within my grasp, but I cannot make myself stretch out for the ring because of things that my physics insists do not matter to me.  If I am a genius, why isn't my math up to the challenge of making the last connection yet. I am not invited to your meetings, my articles are not published.  I sit in a shadow that I cannot control
 If I am a fool, why are you reading this, knowing in your heart that you are the reflection and that I am on the other side of the glass?

Osmonides, you read this.  You know it is written to you.  You cry out, don't take my bozons away from me, even as your realize you are clinging to nothing.  You want to lash out, but even as you do you realize you are a reflection, attempting to lash out at the true image.  Tremble before me and read on if you dare.
The Pre-AuT “modern (perturbative) quantum mechanical view” of the fundamental forces other than gravity is that particles of matter (fermions) do not directly interact with each other, but rather carry a charge, and exchange virtual particles (gauge bosons), which are the interaction carriers or force mediators. For example, photons mediate the interaction of electric charges, and gluons mediate the interaction of color charges.
AuT provides a dimension free method of describing this particle carrier as ct1 exchange within solutions (Figures 3, 4 and 5).  While you can look at ct1 exchange as similar to bosons, they are fundamentally different since one is an actual particle and the other is a series of mathematical solutions.
          Gravity has been described alternatively in AuT as the effect of time going linear and as the exchange of ct1 states between two higher states, only possible when there is linearity.  A linear system of ct1 states represented by spiral solutions allows for ct1 states to change positions in a chain as shown in Figure 3, for example, where one solution being made up of prior solutions contains within it references back to the prior histories which would reflect the true origin of gravitational effects however difficult they would be to detect given the complete absence of mass, dimension and time at this stage.   It is, however, hypothesized later that this could be a source of dark matter, in fact representing the majority of the tendency towards either decompression or compression depending on how this underlying information is functioning as part of the matrix of the higher information states which are compressed.
            The exchange and the power of ct2 comes from the high ct1 exchange rate which we observe as dimensional movement.  Once a ct2 state interacts with (as opposed to pass through) a higher state there is a transition since the interaction of the ct2 state with, for example, a ct4 states comes at the expense of another ct2 state which must transition in some way, either substituted or converted.  Let’s look at this briefly.
            Lets say you have a “cool” ct4 state.  This state internally has very slow substitution rates so there is little vibration.  This doesn’t change the rate of change according to AuT theory, it only means that the rate of change results from movement (ct1 exchange) through space and through other, non-physically altering ct state exchanges.  Now you interject a beam of ct2 states.  As these states begin to substitute the rate of ct2 states going in and out of the ct4 states (Figure 4 and 5) increases.  We observe this a vibrational change, heat and the resulting expansion; and it, of necessity, involves an increase in ct exchange since each of the ct2 states has 1:256 ct1 exchange whereas the higher ct states keep much of that ct1 exchange internal as, for example ct3 exchanges within the matrix of densely compressed ct4; the density being the number of shared solutions vs the number of external solutions.  In this way, you see how the “force” of ct2 (photons) is not really a force at all but is instead merely a solution density equation based on the number of solutions of different compression states being incorporated sequentially.
          All forces work essentially in this same way.  For electromagnetism, you imagine a coiled wire with a current passing through it, you see the electromagnetic force. It is wrong to say that there is a weak force/electromagnetic force acting on CT3, wave energy.  Instead you should be looking for how exchange rates are happening.  In the case of ct2, it exchanges sequentially fewer ct1 states relative to the ct4 it is approaching.  This “sharing rate” is the same as the proximity of solution, there are fewer independent solutions of ct1 between the two and the approach.  This same feature occurs with ct2 and ct3 exchanges.  It isn’t a thing happening, instead it is just an algorithm being solved sequentially for different compressive states in a particular order one relative to the other.
            As ct1 states are exchanged in increasing density in response to the amount of exchange within the wire, the surrounding solutions by definition of proximate solutions much change to match the exchange rate and if you curve the ct4 state (coil the wire) the surrounding ct1 states achieve ct2 density to keep up with the exchange rate, not in response to the force, but as super symmetry giving rise to the force.
            From our “backwards” perspective, we see a current passing through a wire, this is wave length. if the exchanging ct1 states keep up with the current (they have to or the current would not move since movement is ct1 exchange) the average travel would be the observed as a straight line through the middle.  While each change is a quantum change is small, the average curvature to bring substitute virtual ct2 (ct1 states compressed sufficiently to allow substitution of one ct1 for each movement of the ct3 along the ct4 (also sequential substitution) is exactly what you expect.
          The “magnetism” is merely the chain of shared ct1 states keeping up with the moving waves as x changes or, if you must, over time while being shared with another ct4 state.  The exchange occurs whether there are separated electromagnetic ct4 states or not, but if there are two emct4 states then the exchange between them happens in essentially the same way as gravity effect them although the rate of exchange is based on these virtual ct2 states instead of the more pure ct1 state exchange with a consequent loss of force and an increased effect of proximity of solution.
          The “merger” of the weak and electromagnetic forces can be seen (at high energies) of the substitution rate drawing the ct1 states from the surrounding environment to a more proximate location. AuT suggests that at strong energies or high speeds (both are speed, one being vibrational the other ‘straight line movement’) ct1 exchanges are more or less instantaneous and have less of an effect on an extended area.
          The strong force is harder to deal with.  As with the electromagnetic force, we get completely away from the boson nonsense of pre-AuT physics.  Instead we stick with information theory and the distance (r) effects are based on relative position of the solution which we’ll talk about more related to gravity.
          Conversion rates are seductive.  The fact that an AuT “instant” is 1.07x10^-39th of a second is suggestive of the relationship.  But the better suggestion is that this is tied to the compression overlap ratio of 3.40x10^38 to one for black holes.  This does not mean that every atom is a black hole, it merely means that the algorithm solutions that give rise to compressed ct4 states, matter, generate the same compression ratios as are experienced with black holes.
          We look at the virtual ct2 states of magnetism and are forced to draw an analogy of ct3 substitution rates being increased to the point where ct4 occurs and where these ct4 elements begin within their matrix to substitute at rates that make them “virtual black holes” just as the ct1 states became “virtual ct2 states” due to compressive substitution rates.
            This suggests that while the fundamental state of ct4 states have 4 coordinates changing at a time (1111,2222, etc) that within the algorithm the solutions have 5 coordinates changing at once where multiple fundamental ct4 states are joined together as protons or neutrons.  This would not be a type of wave, particle duality but would, instead, be matter, black hole duality.  It boggles the mind a little bit but explains the disappearance of ct5 compression outside of the nucleus of the atom.

          It is critical to this understanding that we are NOT talking about a force.  Force is pre-AuT. We’re talking about a math solution that yields the force.  For a nucleus, the solution is yields compression up to five coordinates changing at once.  Once the nucleus dimension is breached, that solution hits the inflection point and drops to the ct4 solution.  It’s important to note that ct4 solutions need not cease to exist, but they become independent of one another.

This is largely covered in Book 2

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