
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Ghosts, animal senses and a reason to be scared of the Russia

The new view embodied by AuT of time lends itself to explaining many phenomena of physics, but it also lends itself to the occult.

The Science of Nostradamus deals (primarily) with one area, prognostication.  It touches very briefly on an animal's ability to sense change based on the interpretation of time being built from mid level wave-matter forms past events disassociating and the re associating with higher states to embody the results of subsequent states.
An even more occult issue arises in the area of ghosts and other spirits of the past.  Indeed the conceptual basis and statistics suggest that we should be surrounded by ghosts and the question becomes why not?  The answer probably lies in the recombination of information which would take these necessarily present ghosts and incorporating them into history, memory after a fashion.  It is also possible that these ghosts are merely hard to see...
Memory, like many other features probably mirror these underlying methods of carrying information forward just as the spiraling shape of information moving from the past to the present is reflected in the double helix which is likely not entirely coincidental.
Because the prediction of the future from the past is possible, we must be mindful of the inherent potential to make mistakes, such as by electing the worst possible candidates to represent us allowing for the end of days that has been repeatedly predicted for us from different sources.

Book 7 is continuing to develop, now it includes the common wave feature of, well, waves between electrons and photons.
It also is beginning to cover the higher state interactions which is quite exciting.  No huge mathematical breakthroughs or theoretical insights are envisioned or even present necessarily yet, but the application of the the higher concepts is providing certain theoretical features that may help to define the higher ct state relationships of electrons, protons, neutrons and their states and there will be more interpretation of data as change rates as opposed to everything else.

What next?  Only next week will tell.

This looked like something the President should consider.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks (Hamlet)

I need to start putting some stuff in between physics or you'll think i'm in a rut.
There is a particularly good article on what happens when you allow idiots and criminals to run countries.
We have to be careful what we allow to happen because this need not be something which repeats for us, although as I've said in the past, stupidity is apparently built into the system, just as the recognition of the genius of Aut is hidden by aspects of the self protecting system of predestination.  At best an inadequate number of people will be aware of the true nature of things.

On a lighter note, here is one more sign of the apocalypse.

Robot Strippers Are Real, and They're Invading Las Vegas (Video)

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