
Saturday, February 3, 2018

Mardi Gras and the Odd

6 ways to save money on your trip to New Orleans
Is this an interesting article?  I have not read it.  I have ideas of my own on the subject, perhaps I could make that into one of my books or write it into the one I'm working on.  I will get to in time.

I was lucky enough to hear about the first adult prank that led to the cowbellion de raken society from a mardi-gras historian, a story that did much for the origin in Mobile, Alabama story; a post civil war drunken evening more than anything of what we see today and sadly with substantial roots in civil war veteran's lives; but then it's a catholic holiday of sorts.  It is sad, that historian's life has ended and my memory of the story, though fond is faded.  He was the father of the artist whose picture graces the six books of Algorithm Theory, a circumstance which is surprisingly coincidental if I even remember it correctly.

Gizmodo: Physicists Spot Evidence of 'Odderon' First Predicted in the 1970s.

This entire undertaking is the pre-AuT attempt to explain the interaction of transitions states through the sharing of higher state solutions, in this case ct4-ct5 transitions.  In a universe which has both permanence of approximate state, but constant change, the sharing of lower states and teh building and destruction of higher states through gradual transitions, particularly at high states of compression, but present, as you'd expect from a study of AuT at the level of electro-magnetism, the ct1-ct2 transition stages as magnetism and ct3-ct4 states as electricity
If you were to have purchased book 5 or 6, maybe both, you would have seen the solution to Zeno's most famous paradox, Achilles and the Turtle.  It would also provide the answer to the Odderon, the Gluon and the true replacement of the prior nonsense of quarks and bozos.
You are probably saying, why on earth should I buy the book when you'll set it out in your blog and that is not a bad thought, but if you were in a hurry you might do it.  This "odderon" is a stupid example of what pre-aut physics needs AuT to make sense.  Together these two things show that AuT is conceptually necessary to understand how space is different from what we conceive and must be for the universe to work.

I am now well into the halfway point in the edits of both books I am working on.  This weekend is dedicated to trying to finish the very rough draft of Nostradamus, trying to figure out where it drags, what is too much science, how to introduce it so that the discovery has the evenness that I experienced.  At least one of those deals extensively with how the past and the future interact, although it is not all physics, much of it will appear here just as much of this appears there.  The character in Nostradamus is as angry and alone as I am.

I'm toying with a new book idea about someone who makes others feel his pain for people who cannot stand the pain of life.  Should it be science fiction or an emotional ride, a man or a woman.  If I had more feedback, perhaps I would write a book where all the elements are by election of the audience, but not this one.

After lunch I plan to go for a long ride, the weather will be warmer, the rain not yet here.  I need to see what is there, at the end of the bike ride.  I need a journey of some sort, to match the ones I am writing about.  I need to feel the exhaustion, hunger and the distance from home; and the accompanying excitement.  Stick around, come with me.

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