
Friday, February 16, 2018

time, anti time and the proof of AuT in black hole singularities

The fleeting thorught that there is someone for everyoen and if everytihng coudl just line up just right, everyone would have the right person for themselves if even for a moment.

Book 7 weighs in (at the beginning of week 2 of the course) at 279 pages with only 38 pages having to do with the course so far.  I hope to take those 240 pages and whittle them down to 200 pages or less so that the total length of the book is 250 pages or less. Book 6 which also has a lot of extraneous, not fully edited nonsense was around 280 pages and its worth noting that most of the extraneous stuff is repetitive or of limited value.

Here is something from book 7, mind bending but simple:
How does a black hole shrinking to what is called by pre-AuT physics to a signularity prove AuT?
In order to understand this, first remember that dimensions are merely "places" in F-series solutions.  You must also remember that base 10 is irrelevant, that each number is merely another jot on the prison wall.  Also, you must remember that time is not what we thought it was, certainly it isn't a dimension, it is stephen king crap (which is covered below); and that isn't meant to be insulting.  My life is crap right now, if you don't like the language substitute something else, I for one will certainly use something else in book 7.
So let's start by talking about the 3 dimensional singularities.  Yes, we live in what a two dimensional being would see as a singularity.
2 to 3 dimensional conversion is 10^8 in scale.  What that means is that immediately before a 2 dimensional feature changes to 3 dimensions there are 10^8 of them side by side.  The space around them is shrinking precipitously but it can go either way.  In terms of place, everything is 1111, 1112,1113, etc.  This is important.  This assumes that space is ct1 even though it has no dimension because there is no ratio, so don't let me get too confusing here, since it could just as easily be 111, 112, 113 and I'll get to that specifically in book 7 and later posts.  The weird drawing covers all this in books 5 and 6 in case you don't want to wait.
Anyway...imagine a skyscraper 10^8 stories high.  In a two dimensional space (1111,1112,1113...1111x10^8) floor plans would be lined up next to each other.  When the 3rd dimension is added, you can stack them.  They all disappear except for one since the other 10^8 are stacked on top of it in the 3rd dimension.
Black holes are really big Suns (3,5,8)^(2^5)=16^16 electrons (or maybe neutrons, but probably electrons).  These appear to be in two dimensions, but we know that each electron is merely 10^8 1111,1112....states) but these have now been spread out even further in 3 dimensions (giving them a spherical effect, but of course the algorithm is dimension free and hence everyone who (and that includes just about everyone so don't feel bad of you're one of them)  rejects AuT thinks they are living in dimensional space, but they are just full of SKC as it were.  So anyway, you have these 16^16 electrons and they suddenly stack (11111,11112...11111x16^16) in this 5th space (4th dimension) and so we only see one of them.
So the pre-AuT physicists said "oh my, gravity took them to a singluarity, oh my" which is idiotic in retrospect.  The algorithm merely solves them for a 5th place and they are stacked out in this dimension.  And all the physics clowns who want to dream about worm holes in this 5th dimension are just jerking their brains because solution order still defines the relationship and no matter where you enter, you exit only on the other side of the 5th dimension, hence the reason we see quasar type rays ejecting out of the poles of the black hole.

Hence, black hole observations confirm AuT mathematical suggestions.

A note on Stephen King Crap or real time:

Here are some problems with non aut analysis of higgs results
1) time-what is it?  it comes from something and it goes somewhree.  Stephen King posited that something came along and ate it, not a terrible idea, what do they shit?  that's actually not far from the aut answer.
Fibonacci concept good, but info doesn't grow fast enough.
Time past falls apart and reassembles into time future but irreguarly so some is always together as others fall apart or reassemble relatively in higher states.
2) contact-what is it?  Fields interacting sounds good but then you have problems with wave particle duality ultimately.  Two points cannot occupy the same space at the same time in a true quantum environment, and yet they bounce?  How?
The transitional elements break up when put close together in terms of solution or go to next higher state and if not stable they break down.
suggestions that amount of info increases: 1) time 2) expansion o funiverse but the truth is more subtle.  how about entropy going both ways-we assemble stuff so we're having anti-entropy; we're misled by the net amount.  same with gravity and antigravity.

One last issue on dimension and gravity (gmM/r^2):
here are two directions for r, both having their interesting features: 
as r goes to infinity the force goes to zero, but never gets there. 
the other limit is equally interesting. as r goes to zero the force goes to infinity but never gets there 
what happens? 
We see this, by the way, almost zero at neutron stars and then at not-zero? in black holes. It also occurs (approximately) when two protons are forced together in a collider. What happens as gravity goes to zero and how is that taken into account in the results of the Higgs experiment? 
Features gravitational force, r going to zero. Velocity going in the direction of the speed of light. What features are common to both of these that allow, not infinite gravity (the limit function as r goes to zero is only not infinite gravity if it goes to some version of 1) as seen in the neutron star-black hole transition; but the features instead yield quasi newtonian billiard ball type velocity transfers (and transitions from protons to what I suspect will be called quark type objects including bozons). 
I submit there is something that prevents r going to zero (despite the collision effects) and consequent break down results.
 Imagine two charged "mass" states (I'd call them ct4-ct5 transitional states) approaching one another. R is going to zero.  The variance of electrostatic repulsion is varying as F=dq/r^2(1/dpie(0)) and gravity is changing as F = G M1xM2/r2 (from Ray below)
F= the force between the two bodies 
G = Gravitational constant 
M1 / M2 = Mass of the objects 

r2 - The distance
Let's talk about "quantum space," Planck length being the type of measurement that suggests you have this feature (which requires that space convert to an information state, otherwise you could cut it in half), going to zero.  The whole purposes of the "experiment"  we're talking about is to collide the two particles but they cannot occupy the same space at the same time.

Something has to happen as r (quantum space) goes to 1 (I'm not willing to accept 0) which results in the breakdown of one or both of the mass/charged particles. I remember that there is "space" involved in the separation of the quantum elements (as shown in the chart at the end of week 1 if you buy into that model) presumably held together by strong/weak force fields, but shouldn't those be subject to spatial separation?
Think about it, and think on this, you are reading the blog of the only person on the planet who understands time and dimension, except you, of course.  Go figure.

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